The North American tree‐ring fire‐scar network

EQ Margolis, CH Guiterman, RD Chavardès… - …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Fire regimes in North American forests are diverse and modern fire records are
often too short to capture important patterns, trends, feedbacks, and drivers of variability …

Wildfire risk and hazardous fuel reduction treatments along the US-Mexico border: a review of the science (1986-2019)

KM Laushman, SM Munson… - Air, Soil and Water …, 2020 -
The ecosystems along the border between the United States and Mexico are at increasing
risk to wildfire due to interactions among climate, land-use, and fuel loads. A wide range of …

Detecting patterns of post-fire pine regeneration in a Madrean Sky Island with field surveys and remote sensing

AM Barton, HM Poulos, GW Koch, TE Kolb… - Science of The Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The American Southwest is experiencing drastic increases in aridity and wildfire
incidence, triggering conversion of some frequent surface forests to non-forest. Extensive …

[HTML][HTML] Historia de incendios en un bosque de pino de la sierra de Manantlán, Jalisco, México

J Cerano-Paredes, J Villanueva-Díaz… - Bosque …, 2015 - SciELO Chile
La Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra de Manantlán (RBSM) en Jalisco, representa la reserva
más importante del Occidente de México, donde los incendios son uno de los principales …

Climate drives fire synchrony but local factors control fire regime change in northern Mexico

LL Yocom Kent, PZ Fulé, PM Brown… - …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The occurrence of wildfire is influenced by a suite of factors ranging from “top‐down”
influences (eg, climate) to “bottom‐up” localized influences (eg, ignitions, fuels, and land …

Oak bark allometry and fire survival strategies in the Chihuahuan Desert Sky Islands, Texas, USA

DW Schwilk, MS Gaetani, HM Poulos - PLoS One, 2013 -
Trees may survive fire through persistence of above or below ground structures. Investment
in bark aids in above-ground survival while investment in carbohydrate storage aids in …

[PDF][PDF] The Chihuahuan Desert: a binational conservation response to protect a global treasure

MK Briggs, EA Lozano-Cavazos, HM Poulos… - Encycl. Worlds …, 2020 -
Abstract Occupying over 140,000 km2 (54,000 mi2), the Chihuahuan Desert is the second
largest desert in North America and includes much of the Mexican states of Chihuahua …

Ecologia do fogo eo impacto na vegetação da Amazônia

MVA Liesenfeld, G Vieira… - Pesquisa Florestal …, 2016 -
O objetivo desta revisão é apontar alguns campos de investigação atuais em ecologia do
fogo e os impactos do fogo na vegetação da Amazônia. A ocorrência de incêndios na …

Differences in leaf physiology among juvenile pines and oaks following high-severity wildfire in an Arizona Sky Island Mountain range

HM Poulos, AM Barton, GP Berlyn, DW Schwilk… - Forest Ecology and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Recent increases in wildfire severity are converting pine-oak (Pinus-Quercus) woodland to
oak shrubland in many sites in the southwestern United States. A key mechanism underlying …

Controls on spatial patterns of wildfire severity and early post-fire vegetation development in an Arizona Sky Island, USA

AH Taylor, HM Poulos, J Kluber, R Issacs… - Landscape …, 2021 - Springer
Context Spatial patterns of vegetation change and fire severity are influenced by fire
exclusion, topography and weather conditions during a fire. Since the late nineteenth …