Survey on synchrophasor data quality and cybersecurity challenges, and evaluation of their interdependencies
Synchrophasor devices guarantee situation awareness for real-time monitoring and
operational visibility of smart grid. With their widespread implementation, significant …
operational visibility of smart grid. With their widespread implementation, significant …
Taxonomy of PMU placement methodologies
Utilization of phasor measurement units (PMUs) in the monitoring, protection and control of
power systems has become increasingly important in recent years. The aim of the optimal …
power systems has become increasingly important in recent years. The aim of the optimal …
Efficient branch-current-based distribution system state estimation including synchronized measurements
Deregulation and privatization actions are creating new problems of control, management
and reliability, because of new players and new technologies spreading in distribution …
and reliability, because of new players and new technologies spreading in distribution …
[HTML][HTML] A Critical Review on Phasor Measurement Units Installation Planning And Application in Smart Grid Environment
Monitoring, detection, and measurement are vital in the energy system to facilitate better
wide-ranging protection, control, and operation. In this regard, to offer a better operational …
wide-ranging protection, control, and operation. In this regard, to offer a better operational …
[HTML][HTML] Optimization of phasor measurement unit (PMU) placement in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)-based power system for better state …
MS Shahriar, IO Habiballah, H Hussein - Energies, 2018 - mdpi.com
Present-day power systems are mostly equipped with conventional meters and intended for
the installation of highly accurate phasor measurement units (PMUs) to ensure better …
the installation of highly accurate phasor measurement units (PMUs) to ensure better …
An improved crow search algorithm for solving numerical optimization functions
Meta-heuristic algorithms have shown promising results in solving various optimization
problems. The crow search algorithm (CSA) is a new and effective meta-heuristic algorithm …
problems. The crow search algorithm (CSA) is a new and effective meta-heuristic algorithm …
Optimum placement of phasor measurement units in power systems
In this paper, we proposed to evaluate the optimal phasor measurement unit (PMU)
placement based on the sum of variance (SV) of the robust estimators. Variance is …
placement based on the sum of variance (SV) of the robust estimators. Variance is …
PMU placement for measurement redundancy distribution considering zero injection bus and contingencies
This article proposes a method for optimal placement of phasor measurement units (PMUs)
to improve measurement redundancy distribution in a system under normal operating …
to improve measurement redundancy distribution in a system under normal operating …
[HTML][HTML] Optimal Placement of μPMUs in Distribution Networks with Adaptive Topology Changes
With the increasing integration of energy sources and the growing complexity of distribution
networks, it is crucial to monitor and early detection of topological changes to ensure grid …
networks, it is crucial to monitor and early detection of topological changes to ensure grid …
An extended impedance‐based fault location algorithm in power distribution system with distributed generation using synchrophasors
Accurately locating power distribution faults reduces the total outage duration and provides
better system reliability. Fault location using the traditional impedance‐based method may …
better system reliability. Fault location using the traditional impedance‐based method may …