PISA 2021 creative thinking instrument for students: Physics teachers' perceptions

NE Susilowati, M Muslim, R Efendi… - … Journal of Science …, 2022 - ejournal.radenintan.ac.id
Creative thinking, as one of the 21st century skills, is an ability that must be mastered by
individuals, especially in this ever-changing era. Therefore, the demands of teachers are not …

A sco** review with bibliometric analysis of topic fluid in science education: State of the art and future directions

M Misbah, I Hamidah, S Sriyati… - Momentum: Physics …, 2024 - ejournal.unikama.ac.id
The aim of this sco** review is to provide an overview of sco** reviews in the literature
on the topic of fluid science education through bibliometric analysis. The data search was …

Implementation Levels of Inquiry with Blended Learning to Improve Creative Thinking Skills in the Pandemic Era

S Feranie, R Athiyyah, AD Rahmat… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2023 - jppipa.unram.ac.id
Current learning aims to improve students' skills to face 21 st-century life. Creative thinking
skills include 21 st-century skills in innovation and technological development. This study …

[PDF][PDF] What is the Most Impressive Treatment to Foster Students' Creative Thinking Skills? A Meta-Analysis and Bibliometric Review

NE Susilowati, M Muslim, R Efendi… - … : Jurnal Keguruan Dan …, 2022 - researchgate.net
Research related to learning treatment to train creative thinking skills has been frequently
done. However, this has become a concern for teachers to assess which 'learning …

Efektivitas model PjBL STEM dalam meningkatkan keterampilan menggambar teknik mahasiswa

YF Pradani, A Saepuddin - Jurnal Taman Vokasi, 2021 - jurnal.ustjogja.ac.id
Gambar teknik merupakan salah satu matakuliah wajib program studi Teknik Mesin yang
bertujuan untuk membekali mahasiswa dengan keterampilan dalam membuat gambar kerja …

The tendency of static fluid in the learning process through bibliometric analysis the last five years

M Misbah, I Hamidah, S Sriyati… - AIP Conference …, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
The main objective of this study is to review patterns of static fluid in the learning process to
highlight topics for further study. In this study, bibliometric analysis was utilized. Using the …

The influence of STEM-based blended learning model assisted by schoology on critical thinking skills

O Dermawan, D Defriyanto, J Junaidah… - AIP Conference …, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
Critical thinking is required to face industrial revolution 4.0 since industrial revolution 4.0
focuses on mastering the 4C skills, where critical thinking is one of them. The influence of …

[PDF][PDF] Worksheet Development based on RESTEM for Science Literacy and Character

R Ismawati, N Dewantari, R Rahayu - 2022 - academia.edu
There have been several cases that reflect the moral and character decline of Indonesian
students. Based on some previous studies that have been carried out, ethnoscience and …

The Influence of STEM-Based Blended Learning Model Assisted by Schoology on Critical Thinking Skill

D Oki, D Defriyanto, J Junaidah… - Universitas Islam …, 2023 - repository.radenintan.ac.id
Critical thinking is required to face industrial revolution 4.0 since industrial revolution 4.0
focuses on mastering the 4C skills, where critical thinking is one of them. The influence of …

[PDF][PDF] The Influence of STEM-Based Blended Learning Model Assisted by Schoology on Critical Thinking Skills

SSG Jayusman - repository.radenintan.ac.id
Critical thinking is required to face industrial revolution 4.0 since industrial revolution 4.0
focuses on mastering the 4C skills, where critical thinking is one of them. The influence of …