Unveiling the hidden epidemic: a review of stigma associated with sexually transmissible infections
JE Hood, AL Friedman - Sexual health, 2011 - CSIRO Publishing
Stigma has long accompanied sexually transmissible infections (STI) and hindered
prevention and control efforts. It not only acts as a formidable barrier to STI testing, treatment …
prevention and control efforts. It not only acts as a formidable barrier to STI testing, treatment …
“Not always smooth sailing”: mental health issues associated with the transition from high school to college
Students who transition from high school to college are often excited by the new phase of
their lives. However, they are exposed to circumstances and expectations which place them …
their lives. However, they are exposed to circumstances and expectations which place them …
Disclosure of sexually transmitted infections to sexual partners: a systematic critical literature review
KD McMahan, SB Olmstead - The Journal of Sex Research, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The purpose of this review was to systematically and critically evaluate the STI disclosure
literature (excluding HIV disclosure literature), summarize limitations and omissions, and …
literature (excluding HIV disclosure literature), summarize limitations and omissions, and …
Condom negotiation: experiences of sexually active young women
east l., jackson d., o'brien l. & peters k.(2010) Condom negotiation: experiences of sexually
active young women. Journal of Advanced Nursing 67 (1), 77–85. Abstract Aim. This paper …
active young women. Journal of Advanced Nursing 67 (1), 77–85. Abstract Aim. This paper …
The stigma of being a long-term foster carer
Stigma is a powerful social phenomenon with insidious health implications. Understanding
stigma as it applies to various populations is imperative for nurses as it enables nurses to …
stigma as it applies to various populations is imperative for nurses as it enables nurses to …
Moving beyond the therapeutic relationship: a selective review of intimacy in the sexual health encounter in nursing practice
Aims and objectives For the purposes of this study, a selective review of the literature was
undertaken with the aim of examining nurses' preparedness to engage in intimate …
undertaken with the aim of examining nurses' preparedness to engage in intimate …
Stigma and stereotypes: Women and sexually transmitted infections
Sexually transmitted infections have long been associated with stigma and stereotypes due
to their very nature. Throughout history sexually transmitted infections have been associated …
to their very nature. Throughout history sexually transmitted infections have been associated …
Women's views and experiences of the triggers for onset of bacterial vaginosis and exacerbating factors associated with recurrence
Background Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal infection affecting women
of childbearing age. While the aetiology and transmissibility of BV remain unclear, there is …
of childbearing age. While the aetiology and transmissibility of BV remain unclear, there is …
Comparison of the sexual well-being of individuals with and without a herpes and/or human papillomavirus infection diagnosis
LR Foster, ES Byers - International Journal of Sexual Health, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
This study compared individuals with and without herpes and/or human papillomavirus
(HPV) on several aspects of sexual well-being. We also investigated whether gender and …
(HPV) on several aspects of sexual well-being. We also investigated whether gender and …
“… Part of My Identity”: The Impact of Self-Management on the Sense of Self of Young Women With Type 1 Diabetes
L Clausi, M Schneider - Clinical Nurse Specialist, 2017 - journals.lww.com
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experiences of young women
with type 1 diabetes and the ways in which their self-management of their illness may …
with type 1 diabetes and the ways in which their self-management of their illness may …