MIMD programs execution support on SIMD machines: a holistic survey

D Mustafa, R Alkhasawneh, F Obeidat… - IEEE Access, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) architecture, supported by various high-
performance computing platforms, efficiently utilizes data-level parallelism. The SIMD model …

SIMDified Data Processing-Foundations, Abstraction, and Advanced Techniques

D Habich, J Pietrzyk - Companion of the 2024 International Conference …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
Query execution techniques in database systems are constantly adapting to novel hardware
features in order to improve query performance, in particular for analytical queries. In the last …

BOUNCE: memory-efficient SIMD approach for lightweight integer compression

J Hildebrandt, D Habich, W Lehner - Distributed and Parallel Databases, 2023 - Springer
Integer compression plays an important role in columnar database systems to reduce the
main memory footprint as well as to speedup query processing. To keep the additional …

Partition-based SIMD Processing and its Application to Columnar Database Systems

J Hildebrandt, J Pietrzyk, A Krause, D Habich… - Datenbank …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract The Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) paradigm became a core principle for
optimizing query processing in columnar database systems. Until now, only the …

Model-based Integer Compression Schemes for In-Memory Query Processing

J Hildebrandt - 2024 - tud.qucosa.de
Abstract (DE) Spaltenorientierte InMemory Datenbanksysteme müssen sowohl Basisdaten
als auch generierte Zwischenergebnisse während der Anfrageverarbeitung im …

[PDF][PDF] Rethinking MIMD-SIMD Interplay for Analytical Query Processing in In-Memory Database Engines

L Schmidt, J Pietrzyk, J Hildebrandt, A Krause… - memory - vldb.org
Exploiting parallelism is the name of the game for executing analytical queries with low
latency in in-memory database engines. Most prominently, modern general-purpose CPUs …

Exploiting Data-Level-Parallelism for Modern In-Memory OLAP Query Engines

J Pietrzyk - 2024 - tud.qucosa.de
Abstract (DE) Kontinuierlich wachsende Mengen an zu verwaltenden Daten und komplexer
werdende analytische Anfragen erfordern eine stetige Weiterentwicklung und Verbesserung …

Efficient Auto-Vectorization for Control-flow Dependent Loops through Data Permutation

R Paktinatkeleshteri - 2023 - era.library.ualberta.ca
The presence of control-flow divergence in loops can either hinder or impede auto-
vectorization as a compiler transformation to exploit parallelism enabled by Single …

Mimd Programs Execution Support on Simd Machines

D Mustafa, R Alkhasawneh, F Obeidat… - Available at SSRN … - papers.ssrn.com
Abstract Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) architecture, supported by various high-
performance computing platforms, efficiently utilizes data-level parallelism. SIMD model is …

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