Fruit sizing in orchard: A review from caliper to machine vision with deep learning

C Neupane, M Pereira, A Koirala, KB Walsh - Sensors, 2023 -
Forward estimates of harvest load require information on fruit size as well as number. The
task of sizing fruit and vegetables has been automated in the packhouse, progressing from …

Uso dos modelos von Bertalanffy e Logístico na descrição do acúmulo de massa seca das plantas daninhas Amaranthus retroflexus e Amaranthus hybridus

ECP Azarias, N de Almeida Gonzaga… - Revista …, 2023 -
As plantas daninhas são motivo de preocupação aos agricultores, pois infestam áreas
agrícolas e podem causar grandes prejuízos, por demandarem gastos com métodos de …

Bayesian estimation of nonlinear models parameters in the description of growth coffee fruits

TJ Fernandes, AA Pereira… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2022 -
Coffee is one of the main products of Brazilian agriculture and the country is currently the
largest producer and exporter in the world. The coffee fruit has a double sigmoidal growth …

Nonlinear modeling of carbon dynamics in soil treated with tannery sludge

ML da Silva, EM Silva… - Revista …, 2023 - …
Modelagem não-linear da dinâmica do carbono em solo tratado com lodo de curtume Page
1 1 e-ISSN 2316-1817 Revista …

Peach cultivars and new IAC selections for mild winter

GR Sobierajski, NP Feldberg, VLNP Barros… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2024 - SciELO Brasil
Traditional peach production regions provide adequate chill for satisfactorily bud's flower
break dormancy, in cultivars there developed. However, considering the expansion of the …

[HTML][HTML] Adjustment of mixed nonlinear models on Blackberry fruit growth

ÉM Silva, MH Tadeu, EM Silva, R Pio… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2023 - SciELO Brasil
Blackberry fruits belong to the genus Rubus, are fruits more cultivated in temperate climate
in the summer, with low luminosity and low temperature in the winter. These fruits have as …

Avaliação de modelos não lineares na descrição da curva de crescimento do fruto de pessegueiro “aurora 1”

JG Fernandes, ÉM da Silva… - Revista …, 2023 -
O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar e avaliar a curva de crescimento de pêssegos “Aurora 1”,
com base em dados de altura e diâmetro do fruto, avaliados ao longo do tempo por …

[PDF][PDF] The fruiting wall: an alternative training system for peach orchards in southeast Brazil.

GR Sobierajski, GC Blain - Journal of Agricultural Science, 2023 -
The choice of the training system is a key step to the establishment of new orchards since it
affects yield and fruit quality. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the …

Evaluation of susceptibility of Amaranthus species to the herbicide trifloxysulfuron-sodium using nonlinear models

ECP Azarias… - …, 2024 - ojs.observatoriolatinoamericano …
Various elements have the potential to negatively impact crops in the agricultural sector,
such as the presence of weeds that compete for essential resources, hindering growth and …

Curvas de crescimento na cultura de mucuna-anã

JA Candaten - 2023 -
A mucuna-anã é uma planta da família Fabaceae que pode ser utilizada em sistemas de
rotação e consorciação de culturas, na ciclagem de nutrientes e fixação biológica de …