[HTML][HTML] Do rural school closures lead to local population decline?
In Denmark, many rural schools have been closed since 2000. These school closures have
often resulted in heated debates between local politicians and the local population. Locals …
often resulted in heated debates between local politicians and the local population. Locals …
The spatial implications of academic achievement in Year 12: Rethinking discourses of disadvantage in rural locations
Rurality is an identified point of disadvantage in measures such as the Index of Community
Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) and school resourcing models. However …
Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) and school resourcing models. However …
Rural communities and schools–Valuing and reproducing local culture
M Villa, A Knutas - Journal of rural studies, 2020 - Elsevier
School closures are frequently and widely discussed and provoke debates both at the local
community level and in national arenas. Our study was inspired by the local resistance to …
community level and in national arenas. Our study was inspired by the local resistance to …
Rural schools and rural communities in times of centralization and rural–urban migration
M Villa, KJ Solstad, T Andrews - Journal of Rural Studies, 2021 - Elsevier
This special issue addresses the rural school-community relationship. It provides
understandings of how this relationship unfolds and functions within some European …
understandings of how this relationship unfolds and functions within some European …
COVID-19 and inequities in Australian Education–Insights on federalism, autonomy, and access
The current COVID19 pandemic has forced major adjustments, often at short notice, on
schools and schooling. Educators have been working in a constantly changing environment …
schools and schooling. Educators have been working in a constantly changing environment …
Learning at a distance: recognising remote tutoring as a career
Abstract Remote Education Tutors (RETs) enact crucial roles in Australian distance
schooling, by living with families who reside in geographically isolated locations and …
schooling, by living with families who reside in geographically isolated locations and …
A curriculum for whom?: Rereading'Implementing the Australian Curriculum in rural, regional, remote and distance-education schools' from a rural standpoint
P Roberts - Australian and international journal of rural …, 2017 - search.informit.org
This paper builds upon the evolving methodological perspective of a rural standpoint
(Roberts, 2014b), and its related method of strategic eclecticism (Roberts and Green, 2013) …
(Roberts, 2014b), and its related method of strategic eclecticism (Roberts and Green, 2013) …
Occupational (In) visibility: The emerging role of the Remote Education Tutor as an educational conduit
Abstract Remote Education Tutors (RETs) are central to the delivery of distance schooling in
Australia and are accountable for the face-to face supervision and educational support of …
Australia and are accountable for the face-to face supervision and educational support of …
Mothers' duties and rights when positioned as remote education tutors in Australian distance schooling
Remote education tutors (RETs) conduct the vital but undervalued work of delivering
distance schooling to geographically isolated students in Australian rural and remote …
distance schooling to geographically isolated students in Australian rural and remote …
Place, rural education and social justice: A study of rural teaching and curriculum politics
P Roberts - 2016 - researchoutput.csu.edu.au
Through the use of a rural standpoint, this dissertation offers new insights into how rural
educational disadvantage is socially, and spatially, produced in rural areas of New South …
educational disadvantage is socially, and spatially, produced in rural areas of New South …