Improving smart contract security with contrastive learning-based vulnerability detection
Currently, smart contract vulnerabilities (SCVs) have emerged as a major factor threatening
the transaction security of blockchain. Existing state-of-the-art methods rely on deep learning …
the transaction security of blockchain. Existing state-of-the-art methods rely on deep learning …
Wasai: uncovering vulnerabilities in wasm smart contracts
WebAssembly (Wasm) smart contracts have shown growing popularity across blockchains
(eg, EOSIO) recently. Similar to Ethereum smart contracts, Wasm smart contracts suffer from …
(eg, EOSIO) recently. Similar to Ethereum smart contracts, Wasm smart contracts suffer from …
Automated transpilation of imperative to functional code using neural-guided program synthesis
While many mainstream languages such as Java, Python, and C# increasingly incorporate
functional APIs to simplify programming and improve parallelization/performance, there are …
functional APIs to simplify programming and improve parallelization/performance, there are …
Safeguarding defi smart contracts against oracle deviations
This paper presents OVer, a framework designed to automatically analyze the behavior of
decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols when subjected to a" skewed" oracle input. OVer …
decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols when subjected to a" skewed" oracle input. OVer …
SolType: refinement types for arithmetic overflow in solidity
As smart contracts gain adoption in financial transactions, it becomes increasingly important
to ensure that they are free of bugs and security vulnerabilities. Of particular relevance in this …
to ensure that they are free of bugs and security vulnerabilities. Of particular relevance in this …
Smart contracts refinement for gas optimization
Smart contracts facilitate the execution of programmable code on a blockchain. The cost for
executing smart contract code is metered using gas-the exact amount of which is based on …
executing smart contract code is metered using gas-the exact amount of which is based on …
Satisfiability modulo custom theories in Z3
We introduce user-propagators as a new feature of the Z3 SMT solver. User-propagation
allows users to write custom theory extensions for Z3, by implementing callbacks via the Z3 …
allows users to write custom theory extensions for Z3, by implementing callbacks via the Z3 …
Synthesis-powered optimization of smart contracts via data type refactoring
Since executing a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain costs money (measured in
gas), smart contract developers spend significant effort in reducing gas usage. In this paper …
gas), smart contract developers spend significant effort in reducing gas usage. In this paper …
Learning contract invariants using reinforcement learning
Due to the popularity of smart contracts in the modern financial ecosystem, there has been
growing interest in formally verifying their correctness and security properties. Most existing …
growing interest in formally verifying their correctness and security properties. Most existing …
[PDF][PDF] Using my functions should follow my checks: understanding and detecting insecure OpenZeppelin code in smart contracts
OpenZeppelin is a popular framework for building smart contracts. It provides common
libraries (eg, SafeMath), implementations of Ethereum standards (eg, ERC20), and reusable …
libraries (eg, SafeMath), implementations of Ethereum standards (eg, ERC20), and reusable …