Some student misconceptions in chemistry: A literature review of chemical bonding

H Özmen - Journal of science education and technology, 2004‏ - Springer
Students' misconceptions before or after formal instruction have become a major concern
among researchers in science education because they influence how students learn new …

A review of solution chemistry studies: Insights into students' conceptions

M Çalýk, A Ayas, JV Ebenezer - Journal of Science Education and …, 2005‏ - Springer
This study has reviewed the last two decades of student conception research in solution
chemistry pertaining to aims, methods of exploring students' conception, general knowledge …

Promoting fourth graders' conceptual change of their understanding of electric current via multiple analogies

MH Chiu, JW Lin - Journal of Research in Science Teaching …, 2005‏ - Wiley Online Library
For the past two decades, a growing amount of research has shown that the use of
analogies in science teaching and learning promotes meaningful understanding of complex …

Word associations as a tool for assessing conceptual change in science education

T Hovardas, KJ Korfiatis - Learning and instruction, 2006‏ - Elsevier
In the present study, we have applied a word association procedure for assessing
conceptual change in science education, leaning on the presuppositions of the theory of …

The effect of cooperative learning approach based on conceptual change condition on students' understanding of chemical equilibrium concepts

I Bilgin, Ö Geban - Journal of Science Education and Technology, 2006‏ - Springer
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the cooperative learning approach
based on conceptual change conditions over traditional instruction on 10th grade students' …

Exploring the use of multiple analogical models when teaching and learning chemical equilibrium

AG Harrison, O De Jong - … Teaching: The Official Journal of the …, 2005‏ - Wiley Online Library
This study describes the multiple analogical models used to introduce and teach Grade 12
chemical equilibrium. We examine the teacher's reasons for using models, explain each …

Omani twelfth grade students' most common misconceptions in chemistry.

SM Al-Balushi, AK Ambusaidi, AH Al-Shuaili… - Science Education …, 2012‏ - ERIC
The current study, undertaken in the Sultanate of Oman, explored twelfth grade students'
common misconceptions in seven chemistry conceptual areas. The sample included 786 …

An investigation of effectiveness of conceptual change text-oriented instruction on students' understanding of solution concepts

T PinarbaŞi, NÇ Canpolat, S BayrakÇeken… - Research in Science …, 2006‏ - Springer
This study investigated the effect of conceptual change text-oriented instruction over
traditional instruction on students' understanding of solution concepts (eg, dissolving …

[HTML][HTML] Develo** a three-tier diagnostic instrument on chemical equilibrium (TT-DICE)

J Jusniar, E Effendy, E Budiasih, S Sutrisno - Educación química, 2020‏ -
This study aims to develop a Three-tier Diagnostic Instrument on Chemical Equilibrium (TT-
DICE) to diagnose high school students' misconceptions related to this topic. TT-DICE …

Facilitating conceptual change in students' understanding of electrochemistry

M Niaz - International Journal of Science Education, 2002‏ - Taylor & Francis
The main objective of this study is to construct a teaching strategy that can facilitate
conceptual change in freshman students' understanding of electrochemistry. A major …