The effects of climate change on tropical birds
ÇH Şekercioğlu, RB Primack, J Wormworth - Biological conservation, 2012 - Elsevier
Birds are among the most widely studied organisms on earth and represent an important
indicator group for learning about the effects of climate change–particularly in regard to the …
indicator group for learning about the effects of climate change–particularly in regard to the …
Evidence of current impact of climate change on life: a walk from genes to the biosphere
We review the evidence of how organisms and populations are currently responding to
climate change through phenotypic plasticity, genotypic evolution, changes in distribution …
climate change through phenotypic plasticity, genotypic evolution, changes in distribution …
Assessing the impacts of climate change on biodiversity: is below 2° C enough?
Large changes in biodiversity are expected to occur if climate change continues at its current
pace. Adverse effects include changes in species habitats and compositions, and …
pace. Adverse effects include changes in species habitats and compositions, and …
Accelerating extinction risk from climate change
MC Urban - Science, 2015 - science.org
Current predictions of extinction risks from climate change vary widely depending on the
specific assumptions and geographic and taxonomic focus of each study. I synthesized …
specific assumptions and geographic and taxonomic focus of each study. I synthesized …
Impact of a century of climate change on small-mammal communities in Yosemite National Park, USA
We provide a century-scale view of small-mammal responses to global warming, without
confounding effects of land-use change, by repeating Grinnell's early–20th century survey …
confounding effects of land-use change, by repeating Grinnell's early–20th century survey …
Climate change, elevational range shifts, and bird extinctions
Limitations imposed on species ranges by the climatic, ecological, and physiological effects
of elevation are important determinants of extinction risk. We modeled the effects of …
of elevation are important determinants of extinction risk. We modeled the effects of …
Abundance and the environmental niche: environmental suitability estimated from niche models predicts the upper limit of local abundance
Ecologists seek to understand patterns of distribution and abundance of species. Studies of
distribution often use occurrence data to build models of the environmental niche of a …
distribution often use occurrence data to build models of the environmental niche of a …
[КНИГА][B] Australia's biodiversity and climate change
W Steffen - 2009 - ebooks.publish.csiro.au
This assessment of the vulnerability of Australia's biodiversity to climate change was begun
in early 2007 in response to a request from the Natural Resource Management Ministerial …
in early 2007 in response to a request from the Natural Resource Management Ministerial …
Birds and climate change: impacts and conservation responses
JW Pearce-Higgins, RE Green - 2014 - books.google.com
From the red grouse to the Ethiopian bush-crow, bird populations around the world can
provide us with vital insights into the effects of climate change on species and ecosystems …
provide us with vital insights into the effects of climate change on species and ecosystems …
Environmental temperature affects prevalence of blood parasites of birds on an elevation gradient: implications for disease in a warming climate
Background The rising global temperature is predicted to expand the distribution of vector-
borne diseases both in latitude and altitude. Many host communities could be affected by …
borne diseases both in latitude and altitude. Many host communities could be affected by …