The popular scientific book-based coastal gastropod's diversity as local potential: Practicality and effectiveness on student's critical thinking ability
Develo** learning tools based on local potential is necessary because it directly relates to
students' daily lives. One of them is a Popular Science Book (PSB), which highlights the …
students' daily lives. One of them is a Popular Science Book (PSB), which highlights the …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of implementation of the independent curriculum in science learning at SMP Negeri 1 Tanah Grogot Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
Independent learning is a concept of learning that creates an atmosphere of free and
independent learning for students. In addition, the independent curriculum also implements …
independent learning for students. In addition, the independent curriculum also implements …
Creative problem solving and process skills in integrated science learning
LB Sumarni, F Fahmi, E Wahyuningsih - Indonesian Journal of …, 2024 -
Science learning has an important role in hel** the development of intelligence for critical
thinking, in the intellectual (cognitive), affective and psychomotor aspects of students. The …
thinking, in the intellectual (cognitive), affective and psychomotor aspects of students. The …
Digital Teaching Material of Integrated Science with Blended-PBL Model for Independent Curriculum
D Fitria, N Annisa - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2024 -
The Independent curriculum demands student-centered learning by utilizing technology, so
that students' 21st century skills can develop. However, what is found at school is very …
that students' 21st century skills can develop. However, what is found at school is very …
Learning will be successful if students do not memorize the information they obtain but can
criticize the information they obtain, relate their condition and the surrounding environment …
criticize the information they obtain, relate their condition and the surrounding environment …
Identifikasi tren penelitian dan peluang inovasi pembelajaran melalui analisis bibliometrik strategi pembelajaran biologi di sekolah menengah
H Fajeriadi, A Fitriani - Journal of Bio-Creaducation, 2024 -
Effective learning strategies need to be designed to support in-depth exploration, adapt
teaching methods to student needs, and utilize technology and diverse learning resources …
teaching methods to student needs, and utilize technology and diverse learning resources …
Inovasi metode asesmen formatif dalam pembelajaran biologi terhadap pemahaman konsep: Studi literatur
Meskipun asesmen formatif diakui penting dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa,
penerapannya di kelas biologi belum optimal karena masih didominasi metode penilaian …
penerapannya di kelas biologi belum optimal karena masih didominasi metode penilaian …
Pengembangan bahan ajar IPA terpadu berbasis e-learning berwawasan kearifan lokal untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa
Keterlibatan Mahasiswa secara aktif dalam pembelajaran dari sisi peningkatan
keterampilan berpikir kritis sesuai tuntutan Kurikulum dan keterampilan Abad 21. Akan …
keterampilan berpikir kritis sesuai tuntutan Kurikulum dan keterampilan Abad 21. Akan …
Innovation of Physics E-Module: Utilizing Local Wisdom of Lampung's Handwritten Batik in Teaching Heat and Temperature Material to Foster Students' Scientific …
SO Pela, NN Le, PG Kaboro… - Schrödinger: Journal of …, 2023 -
Purpose of the study: The aim of this research is to investigate the implementation of a
physics e-module based on the local wisdom of Lampung written batik in learning heat …
physics e-module based on the local wisdom of Lampung written batik in learning heat …
[PDF][PDF] Effectiveness of e-book “Ethno-ecology study of Magnoliopsida in Desa Kiram” to train students' critical thinking skills
A Nabila, MA Soendjoto… - BIO-INOVED: Jurnal …, 2023 -
Penggunaan smartphone tidak terlepas dari kegiatan sehari-hari kapanpun dan di
manapun mahasiswa berada, serta mahasiswa lebih sering berinteraksi langsung dengan …
manapun mahasiswa berada, serta mahasiswa lebih sering berinteraksi langsung dengan …