Multifacets of lossy compression for scientific data in the Joint-Laboratory of Extreme Scale Computing
Abstract The Joint Laboratory on Extreme-Scale Computing (JLESC) was initiated at the
same time lossy compression for scientific data became an important topic for the scientific …
same time lossy compression for scientific data became an important topic for the scientific …
[HTML][HTML] MGARD: A multigrid framework for high-performance, error-controlled data compression and refactoring
We describe MGARD, a software providing MultiGrid Adaptive Reduction for floating-point
scientific data on structured and unstructured grids. With exceptional data compression …
scientific data on structured and unstructured grids. With exceptional data compression …
Bladedisc: Optimizing dynamic shape machine learning workloads via compiler approach
Compiler optimization plays an increasingly important role to boost the performance of
machine learning models for data processing and management. With increasingly complex …
machine learning models for data processing and management. With increasingly complex …
Fz-gpu: A fast and high-ratio lossy compressor for scientific computing applications on gpus
Today's large-scale scientific applications running on high-performance computing (HPC)
systems generate vast data volumes. Thus, data compression is becoming a critical …
systems generate vast data volumes. Thus, data compression is becoming a critical …
Concealing compression-accelerated i/o for hpc applications through in situ task scheduling
Lossy compression and asynchronous I/O are two of the most effective solutions for reducing
storage overhead and enhancing I/O performance in large-scale high-performance …
storage overhead and enhancing I/O performance in large-scale high-performance …
CompressStreamDB: Fine-grained adaptive stream processing without decompression
Stream processing prevails and SQL query on streams has become one of the most popular
application scenarios. For example, in 2021, the global number of active IoT endpoints …
application scenarios. For example, in 2021, the global number of active IoT endpoints …
Gpulz: Optimizing lzss lossless compression for multi-byte data on modern gpus
Today's graphics processing unit (GPU) applications produce vast volumes of data, which
are challenging to store and transfer efficiently. Thus, data compression is becoming a …
are challenging to store and transfer efficiently. Thus, data compression is becoming a …
Accelerating parallel write via deeply integrating predictive lossy compression with HDF5
Lossy compression is one of the most efficient solutions to reduce storage overhead and
improve I/O performance for HPC applications. However, existing parallel I/O libraries …
improve I/O performance for HPC applications. However, existing parallel I/O libraries …
Drew: Efficient winograd cnn inference with deep reuse
Deep learning has been used in various domains, including Web services. Convolutional
neural networks (CNNs), which are deep learning representatives, are among the most …
neural networks (CNNs), which are deep learning representatives, are among the most …
The Image Calculator: 10x Faster Image-AI Inference by Replacing JPEG with Self-designing Storage Format
Numerous applications today rely on artificial intelligence over images. Image AI is,
however, extremely expensive. In particular, the inference cost of image AI dominates the …
however, extremely expensive. In particular, the inference cost of image AI dominates the …