Widely used catalysts in biodiesel production: a review
An ever-increasing energy demand and environmental problems associated with
exhaustible fossil fuels have led to the search for an alternative renewable source of energy …
exhaustible fossil fuels have led to the search for an alternative renewable source of energy …
Catalysis in biodiesel production—a review
Catalysts play a significant role in transesterification of vegetable oils. Currently, chemical
and biological catalysts are being investigated, and both have their inherent merits and …
and biological catalysts are being investigated, and both have their inherent merits and …
[HTML][HTML] Application of heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production from microalgal oil—a review
The depletion of fossil fuel reserves and increased environmental concerns related to fossil
fuel production and combustion has forced the global communities to search for renewable …
fuel production and combustion has forced the global communities to search for renewable …
Recent development in the synthesis, modification and application of Mg (OH) 2 and MgO: A review
Magnesium hydroxide and magnesium oxide are compounds with favourable and unique
properties, leading to a broad range of opportunities for their use in science, and above all in …
properties, leading to a broad range of opportunities for their use in science, and above all in …
A review on novel processes of biodiesel production from waste cooking oil
Fossil fuel depletion, environmental concerns, and steep hikes in the price of fossil fuels are
driving scientists to search for alternative fuels. The characteristics of biodiesel have made …
driving scientists to search for alternative fuels. The characteristics of biodiesel have made …
One-dimensional oxide nanostructures possessing reactive surface defects enabled a lithium-rich region and high-voltage stability for all-solid-state composite …
W Yu, N Deng, D Shi, L Gao, B Cheng, G Li, W Kang - ACS nano, 2023 - ACS Publications
The development of highly safe and low-cost solid polymer electrolytes for all-solid-state
lithium batteries (ASSLBs) has been hindered by low ionic conductivity, poor stability under …
lithium batteries (ASSLBs) has been hindered by low ionic conductivity, poor stability under …
Transesterification of waste edible oils to biodiesel using calcium oxide@ magnesium oxide nanocatalyst
In the present research, application of waste edible oil (WEO) as a suitable and abundant
source for biodiesel production using CaO@ MgO nanocatalyst derived from waste chicken …
source for biodiesel production using CaO@ MgO nanocatalyst derived from waste chicken …
Recent developments on heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production by oil esterification and transesterification reactions: A review
Heterogeneous catalysis is widely applied in industry due to important advantages it offers
to chemical processes such as improved selectivity and easy catalyst separation from …
to chemical processes such as improved selectivity and easy catalyst separation from …
The effects of catalysts in biodiesel production: A review
Biodiesel fuel has shown great promise as an alternative to petro-diesel fuel. Biodiesel
production is widely conducted through transesterification reaction, catalyzed by …
production is widely conducted through transesterification reaction, catalyzed by …
Modern heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production: A comprehensive review
Steep hikes of petroleum prices and rising demand of petroleum products compels the
scientific society to think for the renewable alternative fuels like biodiesel. Biodiesel …
scientific society to think for the renewable alternative fuels like biodiesel. Biodiesel …