[HTML][HTML] Optimization DC-DC boost converter of BLDC motor drive by solar panel using PID and firefly algorithm
The use of solar photovoltaic panels as source of power for Brushless Direct Current (BLDC)
motors requires a DC-DC Converter circuit. One application of solar energy is as a power …
motors requires a DC-DC Converter circuit. One application of solar energy is as a power …
Firefly algorithm for discrete optimization problems: A survey
Firefly algorithm is a nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm inspired by the flashing
behavior of fireflies. It is originally proposed for continuous problems. However, due to its …
behavior of fireflies. It is originally proposed for continuous problems. However, due to its …
Modal interaction of power systems with high penetration of renewable energy and BES systems
Integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) at transmission level is getting popular in
the recent years. RESs have advantages of generating clean and environmentally friendly …
the recent years. RESs have advantages of generating clean and environmentally friendly …
Oscillatory stability assessment of microgrid in autonomous operation with uncertainties
One of the main challenges of the microgrid (MG) operation in autonomous mode is the
uncertain output due to the fluctuating nature of renewable energy resources (RES). This …
uncertain output due to the fluctuating nature of renewable energy resources (RES). This …
[PDF][PDF] Transfer function modeling and optimization speed response of bldc motor e-bike using intelligent controller
The applications of electric bikes (e-bikes) as the alternative vehicles are growing
significantly in recent years. Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor is an essential …
significantly in recent years. Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor is an essential …
[PDF][PDF] Performance Improvement of Sulselrabar System Using Single-Band Power System Stabilizer Based on Mayfly Algorithm Under Different Loading Condition
This study proposes the application of a single-band power system stabilizer type 1A (SB-
PSS1A) to enhance the dam** ratio in multimachine systems. The mayfly optimization …
PSS1A) to enhance the dam** ratio in multimachine systems. The mayfly optimization …
[PDF][PDF] Modal analysis and stability enhancement of 150 kV Sulselrabar electrical system using PSS and RFB based on cuckoo search algorithm
Small signal stability is one of the factor to assesst the reliability of a power system. Small
signal stability is related to the ability of a power system to maintain synchronization after …
signal stability is related to the ability of a power system to maintain synchronization after …
Small-Signal-Stability Enhancement using a Power-System Stabilizer based on the Cuckoo-Search Algorithm against Contingency N-1 in the Sulselrabar 150-kV …
Small-signal stability is one of the main factors limiting power transmission in conventional
power systems. This concern is primarily handled by adding damper windings of a …
power systems. This concern is primarily handled by adding damper windings of a …
[PDF][PDF] Optimization pitch angle controller of rocket system using improved differential evolution algorithm
The development of multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) systems increases significantly in
last few decade. One of the types of MIMO input that becomes popular is rocket system …
last few decade. One of the types of MIMO input that becomes popular is rocket system …
Impact of battery energy storage systems on electromechanical oscillations in power systems
Due to high penetrations of renewable energy systems (RESs), deployment of energy
storage is significantly increased in recent years. Among varieties of energy storage options …
storage is significantly increased in recent years. Among varieties of energy storage options …