Exploring the local landscape in the triangle network

E Bäumer, V Gitton, T Kriváchy, N Gisin… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024‏ - arxiv.org
Characterizing the set of distributions that can be realized in the triangle network is a
notoriously difficult problem. In this work, we investigate inner approximations of the set of …

Symmetric observations without symmetric causal explanations

C William, P Remy, JD Bancal, Y Cai, N Brunner… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2025‏ - arxiv.org
Inferring causal models from observed correlations is a challenging task, crucial to many
areas of science. In order to alleviate the effort, it is important to know whether symmetries in …

Bell nonlocality and causal networks

EC Boghiu Crihan - 2024‏ - upcommons.upc.edu
(English) Understanding the cause and effect relationships behind observed correlations is
central to how we reason and interact with the world. Causal relationships help us make …