[PDF][PDF] The territorial tourism development strategies and implemented cross border cooperation projects in Bihor county. An assessment of the 2007-2013 and 2014 …

K Czuczor, G Kozma, Z Radics - Geo Journal of Tourism and …, 2023‏ - dea.lib.unideb.hu
Bihor County has remarkable and various tourism resources in the frontier area which could
be exploited more efficiently considering the tourism development strategies on different …

The Comprehensive Analysis of the Network of Superstructure Based on Territorial Characteristics of Accommodation and Food and Beverage Service Providers …

K Czuczor, G Kozma, Z Dorogi, T Li, Z Radics - Sustainability, 2023‏ - mdpi.com
This study presents the territorial differences in structure of functioning accommodation and
food-and-beverage service providers by their distribution based on registered field of …

Bihar Megye Turizmusfejlesztésének Területi Aspektusai

K Czuczor - 2023‏ - search.proquest.com
A Bihar megye turizmusának területisége igen összetett, mivel az idegenforgalom működési
keretfeltételeinek körébe az adottságok feltárása után, mint a fejlesztéspolitika kiinduló …