[КНИГА][B] Thermoelectrics and its Energy Harvesting, 2-Volume Set

DM Rowe - 2018 - books.google.com
This handbook brings readers up to date with advances in thermoelectrics and
thermoelectric generators, as well as the advent of nanotechnology and the explosion of …

High-performance n-type YbxCo4Sb12: from partially filled skutterudites towards composite thermoelectrics

S Wang, JR Salvador, J Yang, P Wei, B Duan… - NPG Asia …, 2016 - nature.com
The filling fraction limit (FFL) of skutterudites, that is, the complex balance of formation
enthalpies among different species, is an intricate but crucial parameter for achieving high …

Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of KyCo4Sb12

YZ Pei, LD Chen, W Zhang, X Shi, SQ Bai… - Applied Physics …, 2006 - pubs.aip.org
Polycrystalline K-filled Co Sb 3 are synthesized successfully. The uplimit for K filling is at
least 0.45, being higher than those of either alkaline-earth (AE) or rare-earth (RE) metals but …

[HTML][HTML] Temperature dependent solubility of Yb in Yb–CoSb3 skutterudite and its effect on preparation, optimization and lifetime of thermoelectrics

Y Tang, S Chen, GJ Snyder - Journal of Materiomics, 2015 - Elsevier
Although filled skutterudites are actively being developed for automotive waste heat
recovery the compositions considered available are limited. Typically synthesis conditions …

Enhanced thermoelectric performance of dual-element-filled skutterudites BaxCeyCo4Sb12

SQ Bai, YZ Pei, LD Chen, WQ Zhang, XY Zhao, J Yang - Acta Materialia, 2009 - Elsevier
Single-phase polycrystalline dual-element-filled skutterudites BaxCeyCo4Sb12 (0< x< 0.4,
0< y< 0.1) are synthesized by the melting–quenching–annealing and spark plasma sintering …

Realization of high thermoelectric performance in n-type partially filled skutterudites

X Shi, S Bai, L **, J Yang, W Zhang… - Journal of materials …, 2011 - cambridge.org
Skutterudites are among the most exciting thermoelectric (TE) materials that could be used
for various intermediate temperature applications. This study summarized our recent work …

Enhanced thermoelectric performance of Yb-single-filled skutterudite by ultralow thermal conductivity

W Li, J Wang, Y **e, JL Gray, JJ Heremans… - Chemistry of …, 2019 - ACS Publications
The filling fraction limitation (FFL) in n-type CoSb3 skutterudites is far below that of p-type
(Fe, Co) Sb3-based skutterudites, and it is critical to increase FFL for accomplishing high …

A new generation of p-type didymium skutterudites with high ZT

G Rogl, A Grytsiv, P Rogl, E Bauer, M Zehetbauer - Intermetallics, 2011 - Elsevier
This work evaluates the influence of single, double and triple filling of didymium, Ca and Ba
in Fe4Sb12 as well as in Fe3CoSb12 on the thermoelectric performance. Various filling …

Development of thermoelectric materials using high-pressure synthesis technique

C Sekine, Y Mori - Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
Thermoelectric materials, which convert heat energy directly into electricity, play an
important role in providing globally sustainable energy. In recent years, much effort has …

High-pressure synthesis of phonon-glass electron-crystal featured thermoelectric LixCo4Sb12

J Zhang, B Xu, LM Wang, D Yu, J Yang, F Yu, Z Liu… - Acta materialia, 2012 - Elsevier
Li-filled CoSb3, which is inaccessible under ambient pressure, was successfully synthesized
with a high-pressure synthesis technique, demonstrating a fast and effective way to broaden …