[КНИГА][B] Thermoelectrics and its Energy Harvesting, 2-Volume Set
DM Rowe - 2018 - books.google.com
This handbook brings readers up to date with advances in thermoelectrics and
thermoelectric generators, as well as the advent of nanotechnology and the explosion of …
thermoelectric generators, as well as the advent of nanotechnology and the explosion of …
High-performance n-type YbxCo4Sb12: from partially filled skutterudites towards composite thermoelectrics
The filling fraction limit (FFL) of skutterudites, that is, the complex balance of formation
enthalpies among different species, is an intricate but crucial parameter for achieving high …
enthalpies among different species, is an intricate but crucial parameter for achieving high …
Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of KyCo4Sb12
YZ Pei, LD Chen, W Zhang, X Shi, SQ Bai… - Applied Physics …, 2006 - pubs.aip.org
Polycrystalline K-filled Co Sb 3 are synthesized successfully. The uplimit for K filling is at
least 0.45, being higher than those of either alkaline-earth (AE) or rare-earth (RE) metals but …
least 0.45, being higher than those of either alkaline-earth (AE) or rare-earth (RE) metals but …
[HTML][HTML] Temperature dependent solubility of Yb in Yb–CoSb3 skutterudite and its effect on preparation, optimization and lifetime of thermoelectrics
Although filled skutterudites are actively being developed for automotive waste heat
recovery the compositions considered available are limited. Typically synthesis conditions …
recovery the compositions considered available are limited. Typically synthesis conditions …
Enhanced thermoelectric performance of dual-element-filled skutterudites BaxCeyCo4Sb12
SQ Bai, YZ Pei, LD Chen, WQ Zhang, XY Zhao, J Yang - Acta Materialia, 2009 - Elsevier
Single-phase polycrystalline dual-element-filled skutterudites BaxCeyCo4Sb12 (0< x< 0.4,
0< y< 0.1) are synthesized by the melting–quenching–annealing and spark plasma sintering …
0< y< 0.1) are synthesized by the melting–quenching–annealing and spark plasma sintering …
Realization of high thermoelectric performance in n-type partially filled skutterudites
X Shi, S Bai, L **, J Yang, W Zhang… - Journal of materials …, 2011 - cambridge.org
Skutterudites are among the most exciting thermoelectric (TE) materials that could be used
for various intermediate temperature applications. This study summarized our recent work …
for various intermediate temperature applications. This study summarized our recent work …
Enhanced thermoelectric performance of Yb-single-filled skutterudite by ultralow thermal conductivity
The filling fraction limitation (FFL) in n-type CoSb3 skutterudites is far below that of p-type
(Fe, Co) Sb3-based skutterudites, and it is critical to increase FFL for accomplishing high …
(Fe, Co) Sb3-based skutterudites, and it is critical to increase FFL for accomplishing high …
A new generation of p-type didymium skutterudites with high ZT
This work evaluates the influence of single, double and triple filling of didymium, Ca and Ba
in Fe4Sb12 as well as in Fe3CoSb12 on the thermoelectric performance. Various filling …
in Fe4Sb12 as well as in Fe3CoSb12 on the thermoelectric performance. Various filling …
Development of thermoelectric materials using high-pressure synthesis technique
C Sekine, Y Mori - Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
Thermoelectric materials, which convert heat energy directly into electricity, play an
important role in providing globally sustainable energy. In recent years, much effort has …
important role in providing globally sustainable energy. In recent years, much effort has …
High-pressure synthesis of phonon-glass electron-crystal featured thermoelectric LixCo4Sb12
J Zhang, B Xu, LM Wang, D Yu, J Yang, F Yu, Z Liu… - Acta materialia, 2012 - Elsevier
Li-filled CoSb3, which is inaccessible under ambient pressure, was successfully synthesized
with a high-pressure synthesis technique, demonstrating a fast and effective way to broaden …
with a high-pressure synthesis technique, demonstrating a fast and effective way to broaden …