An olivine cumulate outcrop on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars
The geological units on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars, are part of a wider regional
stratigraphy of olivine-rich rocks, which extends well beyond the crater. We investigated the …
stratigraphy of olivine-rich rocks, which extends well beyond the crater. We investigated the …
The sustainability of habitability on terrestrial planets: Insights, questions, and needed measurements from Mars for understanding the evolution of Earth‐like worlds
What allows a planet to be both within a potentially habitable zone and sustain habitability
over long geologic time? With the advent of exoplanetary astronomy and the ongoing …
over long geologic time? With the advent of exoplanetary astronomy and the ongoing …
Compositionally and density stratified igneous terrain in Jezero crater, Mars
Before Perseverance, Jezero crater's floor was variably hypothesized to have a lacustrine,
lava, volcanic airfall, or aeolian origin. SuperCam observations in the first 286 Mars days on …
lava, volcanic airfall, or aeolian origin. SuperCam observations in the first 286 Mars days on …
Samples collected from the floor of Jezero Crater with the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover
The first samples collected by the Mars 2020 mission represent units exposed on the Jezero
Crater floor, from the potentially oldest Séítah formation outcrops to the potentially youngest …
Crater floor, from the potentially oldest Séítah formation outcrops to the potentially youngest …
Geochemistry of Martian basalts with constraints on magma genesis
Over the past decade, our knowledge of the geochemical and mineralogical diversity of
Martian rocks has greatly increased. Rocks on the surface of Mars are older than most …
Martian rocks has greatly increased. Rocks on the surface of Mars are older than most …
What Martian meteorites reveal about the interior and surface of Mars
A Udry, GH Howarth, CDK Herd, JMD Day, TJ Lapen… - 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Martian meteorites are the only direct samples from Mars, thus far. Currently, there are a total
of 262 individual samples originating from at least 11 ejection events. Geochemical …
of 262 individual samples originating from at least 11 ejection events. Geochemical …
Inorganic interpretation of luminescent materials encountered by the Perseverance rover on Mars
A major objective of the Mars 2020 mission is to sample rocks in Jezero crater that may
preserve organic matter for later return to Earth. Using an ultraviolet Raman and …
preserve organic matter for later return to Earth. Using an ultraviolet Raman and …
The potential science and engineering value of samples delivered to Earth by Mars sample return: International MSR Objectives and Samples Team (iMOST)
Return of samples from the surface of Mars has been a goal of the international Mars
science community for many years. Affirmation by NASA and ESA of the importance of Mars …
science community for many years. Affirmation by NASA and ESA of the importance of Mars …
Petrological traverse of the olivine cumulate Séítah formation at Jezero crater, Mars: A perspective from SuperCam onboard Perseverance
Séítah is the stratigraphically lowest formation visited by Perseverance in the Jezero crater
floor. We present the data obtained by SuperCam: texture by imagery, chemistry by Laser …
floor. We present the data obtained by SuperCam: texture by imagery, chemistry by Laser …
Mineralogy, provenance, and diagenesis of a potassic basaltic sandstone on Mars: CheMin X‐ray diffraction of the Windjana sample (Kimberley area, Gale Crater)
The Windjana drill sample, a sandstone of the Dillinger member (Kimberley formation, Gale
Crater, Mars), was analyzed by CheMin X‐ray diffraction (XRD) in the MSL Curiosity rover …
Crater, Mars), was analyzed by CheMin X‐ray diffraction (XRD) in the MSL Curiosity rover …