Structure, biophysics, and circuit function of a “giant” cortical presynaptic terminal
The hippocampal mossy fiber synapse, formed between axons of dentate gyrus granule
cells and dendrites of CA3 pyramidal neurons, is a key synapse in the trisynaptic circuitry of …
cells and dendrites of CA3 pyramidal neurons, is a key synapse in the trisynaptic circuitry of …
Re-evaluating circuit mechanisms underlying pattern separation
When animals interact with complex environments, their neural circuits must separate
overlap** patterns of activity that represent sensory and motor information. Pattern …
overlap** patterns of activity that represent sensory and motor information. Pattern …
Hippocampal neurogenesis regulates forgetting during adulthood and infancy
Throughout life, new neurons are continuously added to the dentate gyrus. As this
continuous addition remodels hippocampal circuits, computational models predict that …
continuous addition remodels hippocampal circuits, computational models predict that …
Physiological properties and behavioral correlates of hippocampal granule cells and mossy cells
The hippocampal dentate gyrus is often viewed as a segregator of upstream information.
Physiological support for such function has been hampered by a lack of well-defined …
Physiological support for such function has been hampered by a lack of well-defined …
The enigmatic mossy cell of the dentate gyrus
HE Scharfman - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2016 - nature.com
Mossy cells comprise a large fraction of the cells in the hippocampal dentate gyrus,
suggesting that their function in this region is important. They are vulnerable to ischaemia …
suggesting that their function in this region is important. They are vulnerable to ischaemia …
[HTML][HTML] LTP and LTD: an embarrassment of riches
LTP and LTD, the long-term potentiation and depression of excitatory synaptic transmission,
are widespread phenomena expressed at possibly every excitatory synapse in the …
are widespread phenomena expressed at possibly every excitatory synapse in the …
Theta oscillations in the hippocampus
G Buzsáki - Neuron, 2002 - cell.com
Theta oscillations represent the" on-line" state of the hippocampus. The extracellular
currents underlying theta waves are generated mainly by the entorhinal input, CA3 …
currents underlying theta waves are generated mainly by the entorhinal input, CA3 …
Morphological diversity and connectivity of hippocampal interneurons
The mammalian forebrain is constructed from ensembles of neurons that form local
microcircuits giving rise to the exquisite cognitive tasks the mammalian brain can perform …
microcircuits giving rise to the exquisite cognitive tasks the mammalian brain can perform …
Early-life adversity and neurological disease: age-old questions and novel answers
Neurological illnesses, including cognitive impairment, memory decline and dementia, affect
over 50 million people worldwide, imposing a substantial burden on individuals and society …
over 50 million people worldwide, imposing a substantial burden on individuals and society …
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis and its impairment in Alzheimer's disease
TA Kim, MD Syty, K Wu, S Ge - Zoological research, 2022 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Adult neurogenesis is the creation of new neurons which integrate into the existing neural
circuit of the adult brain. Recent evidence suggests that adult hippocampal neurogenesis …
circuit of the adult brain. Recent evidence suggests that adult hippocampal neurogenesis …