Effect of foliar application of phosphorus, zinc, and silicon nanoparticles along with mineral NPK fertilization on yield and chemical compositions of rice (Oryza sativa L …

NM Elekhtyar, AA Al-Huqail - Agriculture, 2023 - mdpi.com
The traditional techniques of adding fertilizers to soil have a number of drawbacks in regard
to the availability of nutrients for plants. The foliar application of nanoparticles causes them …

[HTML][HTML] Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, phosphate solubilizing bacteria and selected chemical phosphorus fertilizers on growth and productivity of rice

NM Elekhtyar, MMA Awad-Allah, KS Alshallash… - Agriculture, 2022 - mdpi.com
Phosphorus is the second most significant macro nutrient in rice productivity. Phosphorus
fixation in Egyptian soil makes it unavailable for rice to absorb. The goal of this study was to …

Evaluation of New Egyptian Japonica Green Super Rice Varieties Under Fertilization and Plant Spacing

NM Elekhtyar, DE Elsharnobi… - Journal of Plant …, 2021 - jpp.journals.ekb.eg
JRL-23 (Sakha Super 300) and JRL-96 line are new Egyptian Japonica Green Super Rice
varieties which reach an optimum yield if fertilized properly and planted in the suitable …

Effect of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria and Cyanobacteria on Physico-chemical and cooking characteristics of Giza 179 rice grains

NM Elekhtyar, M Awad-Allah… - Egyptian Journal of …, 2022 - journals.ekb.eg
Rice's market worth is mostly determined by its physico-chemical quality, as well as its
cooking and eating efficiency. The milling characteristics of Egyptian rice Giza 179 cv. are …

Evaluation of the Effects of Cutting Height and Application of Bio-Chemical Fertilizers on Yield and Nutritional Quality of Ratoon Rice

F Fallah, B Mirshekari, H Pirdashti, F Farahvash… - Russian Agricultural …, 2022 - Springer
Rice ratooning is the second crop harvested from the stubble of the main crop left after
harvest, which is affected by various factors such as cutting height (CH) and type of fertilizer …