Experimental study on evolution of fracture network and permeability characteristics of bituminous coal under repeated mining effect

L Zhang, M Huang, M Li, S Lu, X Yuan, J Li - Natural Resources Research, 2021 - Springer
In a group of deep coal seams, mining of upper multilayers generates cyclic loading–
unloading stresses in bottom layers, improving their permeability and enhancing coalbed …

Fractal evolution and connectivity characteristics of mining-induced crack networks in coal masses at different depths

M Gao, J **e, J Guo, Y Lu, Z He, C Li - Geomechanics and Geophysics for …, 2021 - Springer
In situ capture of crack network evolution is extremely difficult but necessary in fundamental
research on mining mechanics and coalbed methane extraction. Systematic field monitoring …

Research progress in coal and gas co‐mining modes in China

J Liu, T Yang, L Wang, X Chen - Energy Science & Engineering, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
High gas mines and outburst mines contribute to more than 30% of the coal production
capacity in China. In view of this, coordinating the development and use of coal and gas has …

Theoretical and technological exploration of deep in situ fluidized coal mining

H **e, Y Ju, S Ren, F Gao, J Liu, Y Zhu - Frontiers in Energy, 2019 - Springer
Mining industries worldwide have inevitably resorted to exploiting resources from the deep
underground. However, traditional mining methods can cause various problems, eg …

Theoretical and technological conception of the fluidization mining for deep coal resources

H XIE, F GAO, Y Ju, S GE, G WANG… - Journal of China Coal …, 2017 - mtxb.com.cn
The depth of coal mining increases continuously owing to the exhaustion of the shallow coal
resources. How-ever, the technical difficulties which occur during deep coal mining cannot …

Repetitive mining stress and pore pressure effects on permeability and pore pressure sensitivity of bituminous coal

L Zhang, M Huang, J Xue, M Li, J Li - Natural Resources Research, 2021 - Springer
Coalbed methane is a lucrative energy source, but its development relies heavily on the
fracturing of coal seam and underground extraction during mining. This study of mining …

Triaxial mechanical behaviour and energy conversion characteristics of deep coal bodies under confining pressure

X Du, J Xue, Y Shi, CR Cao, CM Shu, K Li, Q Ma… - Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
To understand more about damage, failure, and transformation of coal, this paper performed
triaxial loading tests on coal samples obtained from a deep coal mine in China. Results …

Effect of triaxial loading and unloading on crack propagation and damage behaviors of sandstone: An experimental study

Y Chen, W Guo, J Zuo, S Heng, R Dou - Rock Mechanics and Rock …, 2021 - Springer
In the current study, a series of laboratory triaxial loading and unloading experiments were
conducted for the purpose of comprehensively understanding the effects on sandstone of …

Development and application of triaxial seepage test system for gas-water two-phase in coal rock

J Geng, G Zeng, C Liu, X Li, D Zhang - Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
The research of gas-water two-phase flow is significant for gas extraction and CBM in deep
coal rock, so a triaxial seepage test system for gas-water two-phase in coal rock is …

Seepage characteristics of coal under complex mining stress environment conditions

L Zhang, L Luo, J Pan, X Li, W Sun, S Tian - Energy & Fuels, 2024 - ACS Publications
In this study, four types of coal samples (complete, parallel fracture, vertical fracture, and
inclined fracture) were prepared, and four mining stress paths were designed. Cyclic loading …