Diversification of Neotropical freshwater fishes
Neotropical freshwater fishes (NFFs) constitute the most diverse continental vertebrate fauna
on Earth, with more than 6,200 named species compressed into an aquatic footprint< 0.5 …
on Earth, with more than 6,200 named species compressed into an aquatic footprint< 0.5 …
[HTML][HTML] Freshwater fishes from Paraná State, Brazil: an annotated list, with comments on biogeographic patterns, threats, and future perspectives
An annotated checklist for the freshwater fishes from Paraná State, Brazil is provided. A total
of 440 freshwater fish species are recorded for the state, distributed across five ecoregions …
of 440 freshwater fish species are recorded for the state, distributed across five ecoregions …
[PDF][PDF] Taxonomia e filogenia de peixes de riachos brasileiros
PA Buckup - Oecologia Australis, 2021 - academia.edu
A fauna de peixes de riachos brasileiros compreende 36 famílias de peixes teleósteos de
água doce. O conhecimento sobre a sistemática e filogenia deste conjunto de espécies …
água doce. O conhecimento sobre a sistemática e filogenia deste conjunto de espécies …
Common barriers, but temporal dissonance: Genomic tests suggest ecological and paleo‐landscape sieves structure a coastal riverine fish community
Assessments of spatial and temporal congruency across taxa from genetic data provide
insights into the extent to which similar processes structure communities. However, for …
insights into the extent to which similar processes structure communities. However, for …
Past riverine connectivity effects in population structure and distribution of an endemic freshwater fish from northeastern Brazilian rivers: Phylogeographic, taxonomic …
The coastal basins of eastern Brazil are influenced by geomorphologic and climatic changes
that caused river captures and temporary paleo‐connections due to sea‐level oscillations …
that caused river captures and temporary paleo‐connections due to sea‐level oscillations …
Underestimated diversity in Characidium (Characiformes: Crenuchidae) from Neotropical rivers revealed by an integrative approach
Characidium represents the most widely distributed and species-rich fish genus within the
family Crenuchidae in the Neotropical region, with numerous species described over the last …
family Crenuchidae in the Neotropical region, with numerous species described over the last …
Hidden or unnoticed? Multiple lines of evidence support the recognition of a new species of Pseudocorynopoma (Characidae: Corynopomini)
Species delimitation is a permanent issue in systematics. The increasing recognition of
geographically isolated populations as independent lineages allowed by new methods of …
geographically isolated populations as independent lineages allowed by new methods of …
Diversification of Prochilodus in the eastern Brazilian Shield: Evidence from complete mitochondrial genomes (Teleostei, Prochilodontidae)
Abstract The Neotropical fish genus Prochilodus includes five species occurring in the main
drainages of the eastern Brazilian Shield: P. argenteus, P. costatus, P. lineatus, P. harttii …
drainages of the eastern Brazilian Shield: P. argenteus, P. costatus, P. lineatus, P. harttii …
How many species are there? Lineage diversification and hidden speciation in Solanaceae from highland grasslands in southern South America
Abstract Background and Aims Species delimitation can be challenging when analysing
recently diverged species, especially those taxonomically synonymized owing to …
recently diverged species, especially those taxonomically synonymized owing to …
[HTML][HTML] Evidence on the paleodrainage connectivity during Pleistocene: Phylogeography of a hypoptopomatine endemic to southeastern Brazilian coastal drainages
NL Pio, TP Carvalho - Neotropical Ichthyology, 2021 - SciELO Brasil
The coastal basins of southeastern Brazil are influenced by climatic changes that caused
sea-level oscillations during the Pleistocene. These marine transgressions and regressions …
sea-level oscillations during the Pleistocene. These marine transgressions and regressions …