2D material infrared photonics and plasmonics
Two-dimensional (2D) materials including graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, black
phosphorus, MXenes, and semimetals have attracted extensive and widespread interest …
phosphorus, MXenes, and semimetals have attracted extensive and widespread interest …
Multicomponent plasmonic nanoparticles: from heterostructured nanoparticles to colloidal composite nanostructures
Plasmonic nanostructures possessing unique and versatile optoelectronic properties have
been vastly investigated over the past decade. However, the full potential of plasmonic …
been vastly investigated over the past decade. However, the full potential of plasmonic …
Hydrogel muscles powering reconfigurable micro-metastructures with wide-spectrum programmability
Stimuli-responsive geometric transformations endow metamaterials with dynamic properties
and functionalities. However, using existing transformation mechanisms to program a single …
and functionalities. However, using existing transformation mechanisms to program a single …
Ten years of spasers and plasmonic nanolasers
Ten years ago, three teams experimentally demonstrated the first spasers, or plasmonic
nanolasers, after the spaser concept was first proposed theoretically in 2003. An overview of …
nanolasers, after the spaser concept was first proposed theoretically in 2003. An overview of …
Self-assembled skin-like metamaterials for dual-band camouflage
Skin-like soft optical metamaterials with broadband modulation have been long pursued for
practical applications, such as cloaking and camouflage. Here, we propose a skin-like …
practical applications, such as cloaking and camouflage. Here, we propose a skin-like …
Molecular plasmonics with metamaterials
Molecular plasmonics, the area which deals with the interactions between surface plasmons
and molecules, has received enormous interest in fundamental research and found …
and molecules, has received enormous interest in fundamental research and found …
Negative refraction in hyperbolic hetero-bicrystals
We visualized negative refraction of phonon polaritons, which occurs at the interface
between two natural crystals. The polaritons—hybrids of infrared photons and lattice …
between two natural crystals. The polaritons—hybrids of infrared photons and lattice …
Overcoming losses in superlenses with synthetic waves of complex frequency
Superlenses made of plasmonic materials and metamaterials can image features at the
subdiffraction scale. However, intrinsic losses impose a serious restriction on imaging …
subdiffraction scale. However, intrinsic losses impose a serious restriction on imaging …
Bioinspired quasi‐3D multiplexed anti‐counterfeit imaging via self‐assembled and nanoimprinted photonic architectures
Innovative multiplexing technologies based on nano‐optics for anti‐counterfeiting have
been proposed as overt and covert technologies to secure products and make them difficult …
been proposed as overt and covert technologies to secure products and make them difficult …
Touch‐Programmable Metasurface for Various Electromagnetic Manipulations and Encryptions
Previous programmable metasurfaces integrated with diodes or varactors require external
instructions for field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), which usually rely on computer …
instructions for field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), which usually rely on computer …