Synthesizing customer satisfaction and loyalty through contractors' service quality and brand image

CCMT Win, TC Dodanwala… - Engineering, Construction …, 2024‏ -
Purpose The present study developed an integrated model to evaluate the relationship
between service quality, brand image, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the …

Cultural intelligence and cooperation in the construction industry: the mediating role of trust

KK Paing, TC Dodanwala, DS Santoso - Journal of Engineering …, 2024‏ -
Purpose This study aims to investigate the mediating role of trust in the relationship between
cultural intelligence (CQ) and cooperation among construction professionals. Furthermore …

Construction schedule planning to incorporate social distancing regulations during pandemics–a BIM-based approach

P Perera, TC Dodanwala, N Van Engelen… - Innovative Infrastructure …, 2025‏ - Springer
Integrating pandemic mandates into a project schedule can result in higher construction
costs and unforeseeable construction delays. This issue was evident during the COVID-19 …