When Gaussian process meets big data: A review of scalable GPs
The vast quantity of information brought by big data as well as the evolving computer
hardware encourages success stories in the machine learning community. In the …
hardware encourages success stories in the machine learning community. In the …
Clip for all things zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval, fine-grained or not
In this paper, we leverage CLIP for zero-shot sketch based image retrieval (ZS-SBIR). We
are largely inspired by recent advances on foundation models and the unparalleled …
are largely inspired by recent advances on foundation models and the unparalleled …
A tutorial on sparse Gaussian processes and variational inference
Gaussian processes (GPs) provide a framework for Bayesian inference that can offer
principled uncertainty estimates for a large range of problems. For example, if we consider …
principled uncertainty estimates for a large range of problems. For example, if we consider …
An optimization-centric view on Bayes' rule: Reviewing and generalizing variational inference
We advocate an optimization-centric view of Bayesian inference. Our inspiration is the
representation of Bayes' rule as infinite-dimensional optimization (Csisz´ r, 1975; Donsker …
representation of Bayes' rule as infinite-dimensional optimization (Csisz´ r, 1975; Donsker …
GPflow: A Gaussian process library using TensorFlow
GPflow is a Gaussian process library that uses TensorFlow for its core computations and
Python for its front end. The distinguishing features of GPflow are that it uses variational …
Python for its front end. The distinguishing features of GPflow are that it uses variational …
Functional variational Bayesian neural networks
Variational Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) perform variational inference over weights, but
it is difficult to specify meaningful priors and approximate posteriors in a high-dimensional …
it is difficult to specify meaningful priors and approximate posteriors in a high-dimensional …
Understanding probabilistic sparse Gaussian process approximations
Good sparse approximations are essential for practical inference in Gaussian Processes as
the computational cost of exact methods is prohibitive for large datasets. The Fully …
the computational cost of exact methods is prohibitive for large datasets. The Fully …
Rates of convergence for sparse variational Gaussian process regression
Excellent variational approximations to Gaussian process posteriors have been developed
which avoid the $\mathcal {O}\left (N^ 3\right) $ scaling with dataset size $ N $. They reduce …
which avoid the $\mathcal {O}\left (N^ 3\right) $ scaling with dataset size $ N $. They reduce …
Exploiting unlabelled photos for stronger fine-grained SBIR
This paper advances the fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval (FG-SBIR) literature by
putting forward a strong baseline that overshoots prior state-of-the art by 11%. This is not via …
putting forward a strong baseline that overshoots prior state-of-the art by 11%. This is not via …
Convolutional gaussian processes
We present a practical way of introducing convolutional structure into Gaussian processes,
making them more suited to high-dimensional inputs like images. The main contribution of …
making them more suited to high-dimensional inputs like images. The main contribution of …