[KNJIGA][B] Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics
K Binder, DW Heermann, K Binder - 1992 - Springer
Roughly at the time (1987) when the manuscript for the first three chapters of the present
book was completed, several breakthroughs occurred. They had a profound influence on the …
book was completed, several breakthroughs occurred. They had a profound influence on the …
First-order electroweak phase transitions: A nonperturbative update
We study first-order electroweak phase transitions nonperturbatively, assuming any particles
beyond the Standard Model are sufficiently heavy to be integrated out at the phase …
beyond the Standard Model are sufficiently heavy to be integrated out at the phase …
Overview: Understanding nucleation phenomena from simulations of lattice gas models
K Binder, P Virnau - The Journal of chemical physics, 2016 - pubs.aip.org
Monte Carlo simulations of homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation in Ising/lattice gas
models are reviewed with an emphasis on the general insight gained on the mechanisms by …
models are reviewed with an emphasis on the general insight gained on the mechanisms by …
Beyond the Van Der Waals loop: What can be learned from simulating Lennard-Jones fluids inside the region of phase coexistence
As a rule, mean-field theories applied to a fluid that can undergo a transition from saturated
vapor at density ρ υ to a liquid at density ρ ℓ yield a van der Waals loop. For example …
vapor at density ρ υ to a liquid at density ρ ℓ yield a van der Waals loop. For example …
Simulation of vapor-liquid coexistence in finite volumes: A method to compute the surface free energy of droplets
M Schrader, P Virnau, K Binder - … Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2009 - APS
When a fluid at a constant density ρ in between the densities of coexisting vapor (ρ v) and
liquid (ρ ℓ) at temperatures below criticality is studied in a (cubic) box of finite linear …
liquid (ρ ℓ) at temperatures below criticality is studied in a (cubic) box of finite linear …
Nucleation and cavitation of spherical, cylindrical, and slablike droplets and bubbles in small systems
Computer simulations are employed to obtain subcritical isotherms of small finite sized
systems inside the coexistence region. For all temperatures considered, ranging from the …
systems inside the coexistence region. For all temperatures considered, ranging from the …
The evaporation/condensation transition of liquid droplets
The condensation of a supersaturated vapor enclosed in a finite system is considered. A
phenomenological analysis reveals that the vapor is found to be stable at densities well …
phenomenological analysis reveals that the vapor is found to be stable at densities well …
Monte carlo methods for estimating interfacial free energies and line tensions
Excess contributions to the free energy due to interfaces occur for many problems
encountered in the statistical physics of condensed matter when coexistence between …
encountered in the statistical physics of condensed matter when coexistence between …
Monte Carlo test of the classical theory for heterogeneous nucleation barriers
D Winter, P Virnau, K Binder - Physical review letters, 2009 - APS
Flat walls facilitate the condensation of a supersaturated vapor: classical theory of
heterogeneous nucleation predicts that the free energy barrier Δ F het*, which needs to be …
heterogeneous nucleation predicts that the free energy barrier Δ F het*, which needs to be …
Monte Carlo methods in classical statistical physics
W Janke - Computational many-particle physics, 2008 - Springer
The purpose of this chapter is to give a brief introduction to Monte Carlo simulations of
classical statistical physics systems and their statistical analysis. To set the general …
classical statistical physics systems and their statistical analysis. To set the general …