The bidimensionality theory and its algorithmic applications
ED Demaine, MT Hajiaghayi - The Computer Journal, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper surveys the theory of bidimensionality. This theory characterizes a broad range of
graph problems ('bidimensional') that admit efficient approximate or fixed-parameter …
graph problems ('bidimensional') that admit efficient approximate or fixed-parameter …
[ספר][B] Kernelization: theory of parameterized preprocessing
FV Fomin, D Lokshtanov, S Saurabh, M Zehavi - 2019 - books.google.com
Preprocessing, or data reduction, is a standard technique for simplifying and speeding up
computation. Written by a team of experts in the field, this book introduces a rapidly …
computation. Written by a team of experts in the field, this book introduces a rapidly …
[ספר][B] Fundamentals of parameterized complexity
RG Downey, MR Fellows - 2013 - Springer
Parameterized complexity/multivariate complexity algorithmics is an exciting field of modern
algorithm design and analysis, with a broad range of theoretical and practical aspects that …
algorithm design and analysis, with a broad range of theoretical and practical aspects that …
[ספר][B] Parameterized algorithms
M Cygan, FV Fomin, Ł Kowalik, D Lokshtanov, D Marx… - 2015 - Springer
The goal of this textbook is twofold. First, the book serves as an introduction to the field of
parameterized algorithms and complexity accessible to graduate students and advanced …
parameterized algorithms and complexity accessible to graduate students and advanced …
[ספר][B] Handbook of approximation algorithms and metaheuristics
TF Gonzalez - 2007 - taylorfrancis.com
Delineating the tremendous growth in this area, the Handbook of Approximation Algorithms
and Metaheuristics covers fundamental, theoretical topics as well as advanced, practical …
and Metaheuristics covers fundamental, theoretical topics as well as advanced, practical …
Improved approximation algorithms for minimum-weight vertex separators
U Feige, MT Hajiaghayi, JR Lee - … of the thirty-seventh annual ACM …, 2005 - dl.acm.org
We develop the algorithmic theory of vertex separators, and its relation to the embeddings of
certain metric spaces. Unlike in the edge case, we show that embeddings into L1 (and even …
certain metric spaces. Unlike in the edge case, we show that embeddings into L1 (and even …
Subexponential parameterized algorithms on bounded-genus graphs and H-minor-free graphs
ED Demaine, FV Fomin, M Hajiaghayi… - Journal of the ACM …, 2005 - dl.acm.org
We introduce a new framework for designing fixed-parameter algorithms with
subexponential running time---2 O (√ k) n O (1). Our results apply to a broad family of graph …
subexponential running time---2 O (√ k) n O (1). Our results apply to a broad family of graph …
Discovering treewidth
HL Bodlaender - International Conference on Current Trends in Theory …, 2005 - Springer
Treewidth is a graph parameter with several interesting theoretical and practical
applications. This survey reviews algorithmic results on determining the treewidth of a given …
applications. This survey reviews algorithmic results on determining the treewidth of a given …
Algorithmic graph minor theory: Decomposition, approximation, and coloring
ED Demaine, MT Hajiaghayi… - 46th Annual IEEE …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
At the core of the seminal graph minor theory of Robertson and Seymour is a powerful
structural theorem capturing the structure of graphs excluding a fixed minor. This result is …
structural theorem capturing the structure of graphs excluding a fixed minor. This result is …
Slightly superexponential parameterized problems
D Lokshtanov, D Marx, S Saurabh - SIAM Journal on Computing, 2018 - SIAM
A central problem in parameterized algorithms is to obtain algorithms with running time
f(k)⋅n^O(1) such that f is as slow growing a function of the parameter k as possible. In …
f(k)⋅n^O(1) such that f is as slow growing a function of the parameter k as possible. In …