Hydrochemical characterization of ground and surface water for irrigation application in Nigeria: A review of progress
Irrigation is a very important practice that helps to ensure all-year-round food security, which
is one of the Sustainable Development Goals targets. However, irrigation development in …
is one of the Sustainable Development Goals targets. However, irrigation development in …
Acid mine drainage: The footprint of the Nigeria mining industry
Mining of solid minerals in Nigeria has been taking place since the beginning of the last
century, and being a develo** country with a characteristic lack of proper waste …
century, and being a develo** country with a characteristic lack of proper waste …
Appraisal of groundwater to risk contamination near an abandoned limestone quarry pit in Nkalagu, Nigeria, using enrichment factor and statistical approaches
MO Eyankware, OC Akakuru - International Journal of Energy and Water …, 2023 - Springer
Statistical index analysis using, contamination factor, metal pollution index, enrichment
factor, and ecological risk were successfully applied for the assessment of the impact of …
factor, and ecological risk were successfully applied for the assessment of the impact of …
Interpretation of hydrochemical data using various geochemical models: a case study of Enyigba mining district of Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, SE Nigeria
The assessment of groundwater geochemistry and characterization is an important aspect of
groundwater studies. For this study, a total of 20 groundwater samples were collected from …
groundwater studies. For this study, a total of 20 groundwater samples were collected from …
Hydrogeochemical approach in the assessment of coastal aquifer for domestic, industrial, and agricultural utilities in Port Harcourt urban, Southern Nigeria
MO Eyankware, OC Akakuru, ROE Ulakpa… - International Journal of …, 2023 - Springer
The study focuses on the assessment of coastal aquifers in the selected part of Port
Harcourt, Nigeria for drinking, industrial, and irrigation use. For this study, a total of 18 …
Harcourt, Nigeria for drinking, industrial, and irrigation use. For this study, a total of 18 …
Hydrochemical and statistical approaches in the evaluation of groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation uses around around Ezzangbo–Ngbo area, Southeastern …
Assessment of groundwater quality around Ezzangbo–Ngbo area, southeastern part of
Nigeria was carried out using hydrochemical and statistical approach with the sole aim of …
Nigeria was carried out using hydrochemical and statistical approach with the sole aim of …
Contamination of potable water supply sources in the lead–zinc mining communities of Mkpuma Akpatakpa, Southeastern Nigeria
Mining for lead–zinc, and associated minerals has been going on for decades in the
Mkpuma Akpatakpa area, and the release of accumulated metallic trace elements (MTEs) …
Mkpuma Akpatakpa area, and the release of accumulated metallic trace elements (MTEs) …
Assessment of potential health risks from heavy metal pollution of surface water for drinking in a multi-industry area in Mali using a multi-indices approach
Abstract The Niger River, Bamako's population's primary drinking water source, is
threatened by human activities. This study examines the Niger River pollution trend using …
threatened by human activities. This study examines the Niger River pollution trend using …
Assessment of potential health risks associated with heavy metal concentrations in leafy vegetables in Kerman, Iran
Despite the growing awareness of the nutritional benefits of leafy vegetables, there is a lack
of information about the presence of heavy metals and the associated risks in these …
of information about the presence of heavy metals and the associated risks in these …
Construction and application of optimized model for mine water inflow prediction based on neural network and ARIMA model
X Gong, B Li, Y Yang, MH Li, T Li, B Zhang, L Zheng… - Scientific Reports, 2025 - nature.com
Mine water influx is a significant geological hazard during mine development, influenced by
various factors such as geological conditions, hydrology, climate, and mining techniques …
various factors such as geological conditions, hydrology, climate, and mining techniques …