Pervasive fluid-rock interaction in subducted oceanic crust revealed by oxygen isotope zoning in garnet
Dehydration reactions in the subducting slab liberate fluids causing major changes in rock
density, volume and permeability. Although it is well known that the fluids can migrate and …
density, volume and permeability. Although it is well known that the fluids can migrate and …
The behavior of Li and B isotopes in high-T and low-T eclogites enclosed by phengite schists
Subduction zones are critical sites for recycling of Li and B into the mantle. The way of
redistribution of Li and B and their isotopes in subduction settings is debated, and there is a …
redistribution of Li and B and their isotopes in subduction settings is debated, and there is a …
Tourmaline as a textural, geochemical and isotopic marker of fault valve processes recorded at the Paleoproterozoic Lafigué orogenic gold deposit, Ivory Coast
The Lafigué gold deposit (Western African Craton, Ivory Coast) is located in the northern part
of the Toumodi-Fétékro greenstone belt, and its formation is related to the development of a …
of the Toumodi-Fétékro greenstone belt, and its formation is related to the development of a …
Using two-pyroxene mafic granulites to reconstruct ultra-high temperatures and the retrograde P–T path of metamorphism in the Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe (Southern …
In the southernmost part of the Southern Brasília Orogen (SE Brazil), regional ultra-high
temperature metamorphism has been reported mainly in garnet-bearing granulites and …
temperature metamorphism has been reported mainly in garnet-bearing granulites and …
[HTML][HTML] Melt inclusion formation during olivine recrystallization: evidence from stable isotopes
Melt inclusions are often used to infer melting processes or to determine source magmas
that are usually overprinted in bulk rocks due to late stage mixing or near surface …
that are usually overprinted in bulk rocks due to late stage mixing or near surface …