Terawatt-scale optical half-cycle attosecond pulses

J Xu, B Shen, X Zhang, Y Shi, L Ji, L Zhang, T Xu… - Scientific Reports, 2018‏ - nature.com
Extreme-ultravoilet (XUV) attosecond pulses with durations of a few tens of attosecond have
been successfully applied for exploring ultrafast electron dynamics at the atomic scale. But …

Giant isolated half-cycle attosecond pulses generated in coherent bremsstrahlung emission regime

Q **n, Y Wang, X Yan, B Eliasson - Physical Review E, 2023‏ - APS
Giant half-cycle attosecond pulse generation in the coherent bremsstrahlung emission
regime is proposed for laser pulses with normal incidence on a double-foil target, where the …

Unipolar terahertz pulse formation in a nonequilibrium plasma channel formed by an ultrashort uv laser pulse

AV Bogatskaya, EA Volkova, AM Popov - Physical Review E, 2021‏ - APS
We perform an alternative approach to produce highly unipolar terahertz pulses. The idea is
based on the nonuniform amplification of seed ultrashort carrier-envelope phase (CEP) …

Cascaded generation of isolated sub-10 attosecond half-cycle pulses

Y Shou, R Hu, Z Gong, J Yu, J erh Chen… - New Journal of …, 2021‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Abstract Sub-10 attosecond pulses (APs) with half-cycle electric fields provide exceptional
options to detect and manipulate electrons in the atomic timescale. However, the availability …

Generation of isolated attosecond electron sheet via relativistic spatiotemporal optical manipulation

F Sun, W Wang, H Dong, J He, Z Shi, Z Lv, Q Zhan… - Physical Review …, 2024‏ - APS
Novel phase-locked acceleration of a relativistic isolated attosecond electron sheet was
realized using a relativistic reflected spatiotemporal optical vortex (STOV) pulse in three …

Generation of unipolar half-cycle pulses via unusual reflection of a single-cycle pulse from an optically thin metallic or dielectric layer

MV Arkhipov, RM Arkhipov, AV Pakhomov… - Optics Letters, 2017‏ - opg.optica.org
We propose a strikingly simple method to form approximately unipolar half-cycle optical
pulses via reflection of a single-cycle optical pulse from a thin flat metallic or dielectric layer …

Radiation of a resonant medium excited by few-cycle optical pulses at superluminal velocity

RM Arkhipov, AV Pakhomov, MV Arkhipov… - Laser …, 2017‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Recent progress in generation of optical pulses of durations comparable to one optical cycle
has presented great opportunities for studies of the fundamental processes in matter as well …

Relativistic mirrors in laser plasmas (analytical methods)

SV Bulanov, TZ Esirkepov, M Kando… - … Sources Science and …, 2016‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Relativistic flying mirrors in plasmas are realized as thin dense electron (or electron–ion)
layers accelerated by high-intensity electromagnetic waves to velocities close to the speed …

New method of unipolar THz pulse generation in photo-ionised xenon plasma

AV Bogatskaya, EA Volkova… - Plasma Sources Science …, 2021‏ - iopscience.iop.org
We propose a new method for producing terahertz (THz) pulses with a high degree of
unipolarity. This idea is based on the nonuniform amplification of seed THz one-cycle carrier …

Bright high-order harmonic generation with controllable polarization from a relativistic plasma mirror

ZY Chen, A Pukhov - Nature Communications, 2016‏ - nature.com
Ultrafast extreme ultraviolet (XUV) sources with a controllable polarization state are powerful
tools for investigating the structural and electronic as well as the magnetic properties of …