[HTML][HTML] Biofabrication methods for reconstructing extracellular matrix mimetics
In the human body, almost all cells interact with extracellular matrices (ECMs), which have
tissue and organ-specific compositions and architectures. These ECMs not only function as …
tissue and organ-specific compositions and architectures. These ECMs not only function as …
High-throughput methods in the discovery and study of biomaterials and materiobiology
The complex interaction of cells with biomaterials (ie, materiobiology) plays an increasingly
pivotal role in the development of novel implants, biomedical devices, and tissue …
pivotal role in the development of novel implants, biomedical devices, and tissue …
[HTML][HTML] Micro and Nanofabrication methods to control cell-substrate interactions and cell behavior: A review from the tissue engineering perspective
Cell-substrate interactions play a crucial role in the design of better biomaterials and
integration of implants with the tissues. Adhesion is the binding process of the cells to the …
integration of implants with the tissues. Adhesion is the binding process of the cells to the …
Physical influences of the extracellular environment on cell migration
The way in which a cell migrates is influenced by the physical properties of its surroundings,
in particular the properties of the extracellular matrix. How the physical aspects of the cell's …
in particular the properties of the extracellular matrix. How the physical aspects of the cell's …
Engineering microscale topographies to control the cell–substrate interface
Cells in their in vivo microenvironment constantly encounter and respond to a multitude of
signals. While the role of biochemical signals has long been appreciated, the importance of …
signals. While the role of biochemical signals has long been appreciated, the importance of …
[HTML][HTML] Biophysical regulation of cell behavior—cross talk between substrate stiffness and nanotopography
The stiffness and nanotopographical characteristics of the extracellular matrix (ECM)
influence numerous developmental, physiological, and pathological processes in vivo …
influence numerous developmental, physiological, and pathological processes in vivo …
Cell–material interactions revealed via material techniques of surface patterning
X Yao, R Peng, J Ding - Advanced materials, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Cell–material interactions constitute a key fundamental topic in biomaterials study. Various
cell cues and matrix cues as well as soluble factors regulate cell behaviors on materials …
cell cues and matrix cues as well as soluble factors regulate cell behaviors on materials …
Matrix nanotopography as a regulator of cell function
The architecture of the extracellular matrix (ECM) directs cell behavior by providing spatial
and mechanical cues to which cells respond. In addition to soluble chemical factors …
and mechanical cues to which cells respond. In addition to soluble chemical factors …
Nanoscale cues regulate the structure and function of macroscopic cardiac tissue constructs
Heart tissue possesses complex structural organization on multiple scales, from macro-to
nano-, but nanoscale control of cardiac function has not been extensively analyzed. Inspired …
nano-, but nanoscale control of cardiac function has not been extensively analyzed. Inspired …
Cellular and subcellular contact guidance on microfabricated substrates
C Leclech, C Villard - Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 2020 - frontiersin.org
Topography of the extracellular environment is now recognized as a major biophysical
regulator of cell behavior and function. The study of the influence of patterned substrates on …
regulator of cell behavior and function. The study of the influence of patterned substrates on …