[KNIHA][B] Modality in argumentation
A Rocci, Rocci, Olivier - 2017 - Springer
This short chapter introduces the notions of modality and argumentation and lays down the
central research questions of the book, which revolve around modality in relation to the …
central research questions of the book, which revolve around modality in relation to the …
[PDF][PDF] Towards feasible guidelines for the annotation of argument schemes
The annotation of argument schemes represents an important step for argumentation
mining. General guidelines for the annotation of argument schemes, applicable to any topic …
mining. General guidelines for the annotation of argument schemes, applicable to any topic …
Discovering argumentative patterns in energy polylogues: A macroscope for argument mining
A macroscope is proposed and tested here for the discovery of the unique argumentative
footprint that characterizes how a collective (eg, group, online community) manages …
footprint that characterizes how a collective (eg, group, online community) manages …
Evidentiality in French
P Dendale - Evidential Marking in European Languages, 2022 - degruyter.com
French, just like English, German, Dutch, and other languages, does not have any obligatory
evidential marker. Most units with an evidential function are lexical and are thus optional …
evidential marker. Most units with an evidential function are lexical and are thus optional …
Verbs of Appearance and Argument Schemes: Italian Sembrare as an Argumentative Indicator
This paper investigates the role of verbs of appearance as argumentative indicators
analyzing the uses of the Italian verb sembrare ('to seem') in a sample of 40 texts chosen …
analyzing the uses of the Italian verb sembrare ('to seem') in a sample of 40 texts chosen …
[HTML][HTML] El análisis de datos textuales como metodología para el abordaje de la argumentación: una investigación con estudiantes de pregrado en universidades …
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar cómo se puede aplicar el análisis de datos
textuales para el estudio de la argumentación. Se trata de una metodología alternativa que …
textuales para el estudio de la argumentación. Se trata de una metodología alternativa que …
Translanguaging aspects of modality: Teaching perspectives through parallel data
M Sidiropoulou - Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual …, 2015 - jbe-platform.com
This article explores aspects of modal marker use in English and Greek and suggests that
parallel data may significantly contribute to raising learners' intercultural sensitivity in the FL …
parallel data may significantly contribute to raising learners' intercultural sensitivity in the FL …
Analysing Textual Data As a Methodology to Approach Argumentation: A Research Work Among Undergraduate Students from Chilean Universities
This article aims to show how textual data analysis can be applied to the study of
argumentation. This is an alternative methodology allowing to trace back massive qualitative …
argumentation. This is an alternative methodology allowing to trace back massive qualitative …
Evidently epistential adverbs are argumentative indicators: A corpus-based study
Argumentative indicators of discourse relations constitute crucial cues for the mining of
arguments. However, a comprehensive lexicon of these linguistic devices is so far lacking …
arguments. However, a comprehensive lexicon of these linguistic devices is so far lacking …
Evidential modals at the semantic-argumentative interface: Appearance verbs as indicators of defeasible argumentation
E Musi - Informal Logic, 2014 - informallogic.ca
This contribution aims at providing an argumentative method to account for epistemic
modality and evidentiality. I claim that these two linguistic categories can work as semantic …
modality and evidentiality. I claim that these two linguistic categories can work as semantic …