Topology management techniques for tolerating node failures in wireless sensor networks: A survey
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs) nodes often operate unattended in a collaborative
manner to perform some tasks. In many applications, the network is deployed in harsh …
manner to perform some tasks. In many applications, the network is deployed in harsh …
5G-enabled devices and smart spaces in social-IoT
F Al-Turjman - Smart Things and Femtocells, 2018 -
This chapter elaborates on the most significant components in the smartphone usage, which
is the space discovery paradigms, and discusses offline tracking applications. Rahmati and …
is the space discovery paradigms, and discusses offline tracking applications. Rahmati and …
Cognitive routing protocol for disaster-inspired internet of things
F Al-Turjman - Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019 - Elsevier
In this paper, we propose a framework for data delivery in large-scale networks for disaster
management, where numerous wireless sensors are distributed over city traffic …
management, where numerous wireless sensors are distributed over city traffic …
A resilient Internet of Things architecture for smart cities
Nowadays, technology is such an integral part of our lives that the dependency on its
benefits is growing faster than ever. With the arrival of the paradigms of smart cities and the …
benefits is growing faster than ever. With the arrival of the paradigms of smart cities and the …
Impact of user's habits on smartphones' sensors: An overview
F Al-Turjman - 2016 HONET-ICT, 2016 -
The abundance of smartphones, with their ever growing capabilities, potentiates
applications in a multitude of domains. A typical smartphone now is equipped with an array …
applications in a multitude of domains. A typical smartphone now is equipped with an array …
Analysis of cross-layer design of quality-of-service forward geographic wireless sensor network routing strategies in green internet of things
Wireless sensor networks suffer from some limitations such as energy constraints and the
cooperative demands essential to perform multi-hop geographic routing for Internet of things …
cooperative demands essential to perform multi-hop geographic routing for Internet of things …
Optimized multi-constrained quality-of-service multipath routing approach for multimedia sensor networks
Modern multimedia sensor networks impose strict constraints on both the delay and energy
consumption when time-critical data must be reported to the sink within a limited bandwidth …
consumption when time-critical data must be reported to the sink within a limited bandwidth …
Towards prolonged lifetime for deployed WSNs in outdoor environment monitoring
Abstract Recently, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) emerged as a powerful and cost-
efficient solution for unattended Outdoor Environment Monitoring (OEM) applications. These …
efficient solution for unattended Outdoor Environment Monitoring (OEM) applications. These …
Exact and heuristic algorithms for data-gathering cluster-based wireless sensor network design problem
H Lin, H Üster - IEEE/ACM transactions on networking, 2013 -
Data-gathering wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are operated unattended over long time
horizons to collect data in several applications such as those in climate monitoring and a …
horizons to collect data in several applications such as those in climate monitoring and a …
Relay placement for restoring connectivity in partitioned wireless sensor networks under limited information
Several factors such as initial deployment, battery depletion or hardware failures can cause
partition wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This results in most of the sensors losing …
partition wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This results in most of the sensors losing …