[HTML][HTML] Project Portfolio Selection considering interdependencies: A review of terminology and approaches
Abstract Project Portfolio Selection (PPS) is a relevant activity in organizations to define the
best set of projects to pursue their strategic objectives. Previous works have presented …
best set of projects to pursue their strategic objectives. Previous works have presented …
The use of multi-criteria decision-making methods in project portfolio selection: a literature review and future research directions
In most project portfolio selection (PPS) situations, the presence of multiple attributes and
decision-maker preference is inevitable. As Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) …
decision-maker preference is inevitable. As Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) …
Hybrid metaheuristic approach for handling many objectives and decisions on partial support in project portfolio optimisation
Organisations often face portfolio optimisation problems. In many practical cases, the
decision is not only to select a subset of applicant projects but also to assign a number of …
decision is not only to select a subset of applicant projects but also to assign a number of …
[PDF][PDF] Many-objective portfolio optimization of interdependent projects with'a priori'incorporation of decision-maker preferences
Project portfolio selection is one of the most important problems faced by any organization.
The decision process involves multiple conflicting criteria, and has been commonly …
The decision process involves multiple conflicting criteria, and has been commonly …
Automated parameter tuning as a bilevel optimization problem solved by a surrogate-assisted population-based approach
This work presents a proposal for the automated parameter tuning problem (APTP) modeled
as a bilevel optimization problem. Different definitions and theoretical results are given in …
as a bilevel optimization problem. Different definitions and theoretical results are given in …
A literature survey on project portfolio selection problem
This study focuses on Project Portfolio Selection (PPS) that is an important activity for
organizations in order to get a competitive advantage, increase their profit, and accomplish …
organizations in order to get a competitive advantage, increase their profit, and accomplish …
Multi-criteria project portfolio selection
AF Carazo - Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling Vol …, 2014 - Springer
A very common problem in businesses consists in the planning and allocation of a limited
set of resources among a set of candidate projects in order to fund them and carry them out …
set of resources among a set of candidate projects in order to fund them and carry them out …
A multiobjective fuzzy model for selecting and planning a project portfolio in a public organisation
Our purpose in this paper is to assist decision-makers in the task of selecting project
portfolios to satisfy their requirements and guarantee profitable growth. This task usually …
portfolios to satisfy their requirements and guarantee profitable growth. This task usually …
A three-dimensional project portfolio management framework for construction companies
Y Wu, H Zhang, H Xu - The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2016 - benthamopen.com
Many construction companies struggle with multi-project optimization and change despite
adhering to normative project portfolio management instructions and best practices. One …
adhering to normative project portfolio management instructions and best practices. One …
Leveraging automatic strategy discovery to teach people how to select better projects
The decisions of individuals and organizations are often suboptimal because normative
decision strategies are too demanding in the real world. Recent work suggests that some …
decision strategies are too demanding in the real world. Recent work suggests that some …