Metacognitive knowledge and openness to diversity and challenge among Turkish pre-service EFL teachers: The mediating role of creative self-efficacy

E Yüce, M Kruk, A Derakhshan - Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2023 - Elsevier
The psychology of second language (L2) teachers has captured a growing interest among
educational researchers in the past decades. However, the interaction among teachers' job …

Making sense of emotion and identity construction through metaphors: a prompt-based study in an English as a Foreign Language context

A Derakhshan, S Karimpour… - Journal of Multilingual and …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The study of teachers' cognitive processes has received considerable attention in the past
decades. However, the scope of research on the way teachers cognitively represent and …

Chinese English teachers' professional identity and commitment and their associations with their professional success

H Jia, A Derakhshan - … : revista internacional de didáctica de las …, 2023 -
The success of any educational context, including language classes, highly depends on
teachers' professional success. Thus, understanding the antecedents of this construct is of …

Contextual Factors Sha** the Professional Identity of Chinese Teachers in English as a Foreign Language Instructional Context: Exploring the Role of School …

W Wang, A Derakhshan - International Journal of Applied …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Due to the immense impact of teachers' professional identity on their teaching effectiveness,
multitudes of studies have now examined this multifaceted construct and its determinants …

Exploring Iranian ESP teachers' emotion labor: a critical perspective

M Nazari, S Karimpour, M Amjadi - Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and …, 2024 - Springer
Despite the growth of research on English for specific purposes (ESP) teachers over the past
two decades, the scope of research that focally examines ESP teachers' emotions is limited …

EMI teachers' emotion labour: capturing classroom, institutional and sociocultural ecologies

M Nazari, PI De Costa - Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Although English medium instruction (EMI) has received exponential growth of attention in
recent years, the scope of research on EMI teachers is still limited, and even much less on …

Exploring the professional role identities of English for academic purposes practitioners: A qualitative study

A Derakhshan, S Karimpour, M Nazari - International Review of …, 2024 -
Abstract While English for Academic Purposes (EAP) has developed theoretically and
empirically over the past decades, there are few documented studies on EAP practitioners' …

“Not waiting for the storm to pass, but dancing in the rain”: professional identity construction of efl teachers at tutoring institutions

H Shi, Y Wang, Y Wang - Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign …, 2025 - Springer
Studies of EFL teachers' professional identity have experienced a sociological turn. As a
result, much research attention has been showered upon exploring EFL teachers' identity …

The mediating role of EFL/ESL teachers' academic optimism and positive psychological capital in their pedagogical effectiveness

J Zhang, V Greenier - … de Didáctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras, 2023 -
En la última década, los aspectos psicoemocionales de la educación en segunda lengua
extranjera (l2) han atraído cada vez más la atención de los círculos académicos. La mejor …

A Systematic Review of Poststructuralist-Discursive Research on Language Teachers' Emotion Labor: Themes, Methods, and Implications

K Sadeghi, T Rahmati - Iranian Journal of Language Teaching …, 2024 -
Language teacher emotion labor has recently gained traction as more educators recognize
the importance of addressing institutional power dynamics. The present contribution is a …