Restructuring processes and Aha! experiences in insight problem solving

J Wiley, AH Danek - Nature Reviews Psychology, 2024 -
Insightful solution processes represent cases of problem solving in which the emergence of
a new interpretation allows for an abrupt shift from bewilderment to clarity. One approach to …

Mental navigation and the neural mechanisms of insight

J Aru, M Drüke, J Pikamäe, ME Larkum - Trends in Neurosciences, 2023 -
How do new ideas come about? The central hypothesis presented here states that insights
might happen during mental navigation and correspond to rapid plasticity at the cellular …

[KNIHA][B] Fundamentals of cognition

MW Eysenck, M Brysbaert - 2018 -
Is it possible to learn something without being aware of it? How does emotion influence the
way we think? How can we improve our memory? Fundamentals of Cognition, third edition …

[KNIHA][B] Cognitive psychology: A student's handbook

MW Eysenck, MT Keane - 2020 -
The fully updated eighth edition of Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook provides
comprehensive yet accessible coverage of all the key areas in the field ranging from visual …

What about false insights? Deconstructing the Aha! experience along its multiple dimensions for correct and incorrect solutions separately

AH Danek, J Wiley - Frontiers in psychology, 2017 -
The subjective Aha! experience that problem solvers often report when they find a solution
has been taken as a marker for insight. If Aha! is closely linked to insightful solution …

Insight is not in the problem: Investigating insight in problem solving across task types

ME Webb, DR Little, SJ Cropper - Frontiers in psychology, 2016 -
The feeling of insight in problem solving is typically associated with the sudden realization of
a solution that appears obviously correct (Kounios et al.,). Salvi et al. found that a solution …

It's a kind of magic—what self-reports can reveal about the phenomenology of insight problem solving

AH Danek, T Fraps, A von Müller, B Grothe… - Frontiers in …, 2014 -
Magic tricks usually remain a mystery to the observer. For the sake of science, we offered
participants the opportunity to discover the magician's secret method by repeatedly …

Oculometric signature of switch into awareness? Pupil size predicts sudden insight whereas microsaccades predict problem-solving via analysis

C Salvi, C Simoncini, J Grafman, M Beeman - NeuroImage, 2020 - Elsevier
According to the Gestalt theorists, restructuring is an essential component of insight problem-
solving, contributes to the" Aha!" experience, and is similar to the perceptual switch …

Once more with feeling: Normative data for the aha experience in insight and noninsight problems

ME Webb, DR Little, SJ Cropper - Behavior research methods, 2018 - Springer
Despite the presumed ability of insight problems to elicit the subjective feeling of insight, as
well as the use of so-called insight problems to investigate this phenomenon for over 100 …

Moment of truth: Why Aha! experiences are correct

AH Danek, C Salvi - The Journal of Creative Behavior, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Having a sudden insight is often associated with inherent confidence, enough for
Archimedes to run naked through the streets shouting “Eureka!”. Recent evidence …