Graphical models concepts in compressed sensing.

A Montanari, YC Eldar, G Kutyniok - Compressed Sensing, 2012 -
This chapter surveys recent work in applying ideas from graphical models and message
passing algorithms to solve large-scale regularized regression problems. In particular, the …

The dynamics of message passing on dense graphs, with applications to compressed sensing

M Bayati, A Montanari - IEEE Transactions on Information …, 2011 -
“Approximate message passing”(AMP) algorithms have proved to be effective in
reconstructing sparse signals from a small number of incoherent linear measurements …

Bayesian models of graphs, arrays and other exchangeable random structures

P Orbanz, DM Roy - IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and …, 2014 -
The natural habitat of most Bayesian methods is data represented by exchangeable
sequences of observations, for which de Finetti's theorem provides the theoretical …

Processes on unimodular random networks

D Aldous, R Lyons - 2007 -
We investigate unimodular random networks. Our motivations include their characterization
via reversibility of an associated random walk and their similarities to unimodular quasi …

Sparse graphs using exchangeable random measures

F Caron, EB Fox - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series …, 2017 -
Statistical network modelling has focused on representing the graph as a discrete structure,
namely the adjacency matrix. When assuming exchangeability of this array—which can aid …

An 𝐿^{𝑝} theory of sparse graph convergence I: Limits, sparse random graph models, and power law distributions

C Borgs, J Chayes, H Cohn, Y Zhao - Transactions of the American …, 2019 -
We introduce and develop a theory of limits for sequences of sparse graphs based on $ L^ p
$ graphons, which generalizes both the existing $ L^\infty $ theory of dense graph limits and …

Around the circular law

C Bordenave, D Chafaï - 2012 -
These expository notes are centered around the circular law theorem, which states that the
empirical spectral distribution of an× n random matrix with iid entries of variance 1/n tends to …

Asymptotic enumeration of spanning trees

R Lyons - Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 2005 -
We give new formulas for the asymptotics of the number of spanning trees of a large graph.
A special case answers a question of McKay [Europ. J. Combin. 4 149–160] for regular …

A survey of max-type recursive distributional equations

DJ Aldous, A Bandyopadhyay - 2005 -
In certain problems in a variety of applied probability settings (from probabilistic analysis of
algorithms to statistical physics), the central requirement is to solve a recursive distributional …

[CARTE][B] Progress in high-dimensional percolation and random graphs

M Heydenreich, R Van der Hofstad - 2017 - Springer
This book focuses on percolation on high-dimensional lattices. We give a general
introduction to percolation, stating the main results and defining the central objects. We …