Prediction of neonatal deaths in NICUs: development and validation of machine learning models

A Sheikhtaheri, MR Zarkesh, R Moradi… - BMC medical informatics …, 2021‏ - Springer
Background Prediction of neonatal deaths in NICUs is important for benchmarking and
evaluating healthcare services in NICUs. Application of machine learning techniques can …

Predicting early mortality and severe intraventricular hemorrhage in very-low birth weight preterm infants: a nationwide, multicenter study using machine learning

YH Yang, TT Wang, YH Su, WY Chu, WT Lin… - Scientific reports, 2024‏ -
Our aim was to develop a machine learning-based predictor for early mortality and severe
intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in very-low birth weight (VLBW) preterm infants in Taiwan …

A case-based reasoning system for neonatal survival and LOS prediction in neonatal intensive care units: a development and validation study

F Kermani, MR Zarkesh, M Vaziri, A Sheikhtaheri - Scientific Reports, 2023‏ -
Early prediction of neonates' survival and Length of Stay (LOS) in Neonatal Intensive Care
Units (NICU) is effective in decision-making. We developed an intelligent system to predict …

Early prediction of mortality and morbidities in VLBW preterm neonates using machine learning

CH Shu, R Zebda, C Espinosa, J Reiss… - Pediatric …, 2024‏ -
Background Predicting mortality and specific morbidities before they occur may allow for
interventions that may improve health trajectories. Hypothesis Integrating key maternal and …

Nurse workload, missed nursing care, and the contributing factors in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in a limited resource setting: A case from Indonesia

MT Utomo, MTA Sampurna, M Melisa… - …, 2022‏ -
Background: Nurses who are in charge of the Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) have a
different workload and work assignments compared to other units. Evidence suggests that …

NeoVault: empowering neonatal research through a neonate data hub

J Pigueiras-del-Real, A Ruiz-Zafra… - BMC pediatrics, 2024‏ - Springer
Background Stability during early postnatal life in preterm infants is related to better
outcomes. Although vital signs are monitored continuously in Neonatal Intensive Care …

[CITATION][C] Yun‑Hsiang Yang, Ts‑Ting Wang, Yi‑Han Su, Wei‑Ying Chu, Wei‑Ting Lin, Yen‑Ju Chen

YS Chang, YC Lin, CH Lin, YJ Lin - Scientific Reports, 2024

Evaluación del riesgo de mortalidad neonatal usando la escala NMR-2000 en neonatos menores de 32 semanas del hospital nacional Adolfo Guevara Velasco del …

VN Laurel Vargas - 2023‏ -
El presente trabajo de investigación:“Evaluación del riesgo de mortalidad neonatal usando
la escala NMR-2000 en neonatos menores de 32 semanas del hospital nacional Adolfo …