Time-reversal-invariant topological superconductivity in one and two dimensions

A Haim, Y Oreg - Physics Reports, 2019 - Elsevier
A topological superconductor is characterized by having a pairing gap in the bulk and
gapless self-hermitian Majorana modes at its boundary. In one dimension, these are zero …

Helical liquids in semiconductors

CH Hsu, P Stano, J Klinovaja… - … Science and Technology, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
One-dimensional helical liquids can appear at boundaries of certain condensed matter
systems. Two prime examples are the edge of a quantum spin Hall insulator and the hinge …

Majorana Kramers pairs in higher-order topological insulators

CH Hsu, P Stano, J Klinovaja, D Loss - Physical review letters, 2018 - APS
We propose a tune-free scheme to realize Kramers pairs of Majorana bound states in
recently discovered higher-order topological insulators (HOTIs). We show that, by bringing …

Metallization of a Rashba wire by a superconducting layer in the strong-proximity regime

C Reeg, D Loss, J Klinovaja - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
Semiconducting quantum wires defined within two-dimensional electron gases and strongly
coupled to thin superconducting layers have been extensively explored in recent …

Perfect crossed Andreev reflection in the proximitized graphene/superconductor/proximitized graphene junctions

SC Zhao, L Gao, Q Cheng, QF Sun - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We study the crossed Andreev reflection and the nonlocal transport in the proximitized
graphene/superconductor/proximitized graphene junctions with the pseudospin staggered …

Crossed Andreev reflection in spin-polarized chiral edge states due to the Meissner effect

TH Galambos, F Ronetti, B Hetényi, D Loss, J Klinovaja - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
We consider a hybrid quantum Hall-superconductor system, where a superconducting finger
with oblique profile is wedged into a two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of a …

Finite-size effects in a nanowire strongly coupled to a thin superconducting shell

C Reeg, D Loss, J Klinovaja - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
We study the proximity effect in a one-dimensional nanowire strongly coupled to a finite
superconductor with a characteristic size which is much shorter than its coherence length …

Parallel InAs nanowires for Cooper pair splitters with Coulomb repulsion

O Kürtössy, Z Scherübl, G Fülöp, IE Lukács… - npj Quantum …, 2022 - nature.com
Hybrid nanostructures consisting of two parallel InAs nanowires connected by an epitaxially
grown superconductor (SC) shell recently became available. Due to the defect-free SC …

Majorana Kramers pairs in Rashba double nanowires with interactions and disorder

M Thakurathi, P Simon, I Mandal, J Klinovaja, D Loss - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
We analyze the effects of electron-electron interactions and disorder on a Rashba double-
nanowire setup coupled to an s-wave superconductor, which has been recently proposed as …

Electronic transport in double-nanowire superconducting islands with multiple terminals

A Vekris, JC Estrada Saldaña, T Kanne… - Nano Letters, 2022 - ACS Publications
We characterize in situ grown parallel nanowires bridged by a superconducting island. The
magnetic-field and temperature dependence of Coulomb blockade peaks measured across …