Development of the full Lagrangian approach for modeling dilute dispersed media flows (a Review)

AN Osiptsov - Fluid Dynamics, 2024 - Springer
Continuum models of media with zero pressure are widely used in various branches of
physics and mechanics, including studies of a dilute dispersed phase in multiphase flows. In …

Modelling of the evolution of a droplet cloud in a turbulent flow

A Papoutsakis, OD Rybdylova, TS Zaripov… - International Journal of …, 2018 - Elsevier
The effects of droplet inertia and turbulent mixing on the droplet number density distribution
in a turbulent flow field are studied. A formulation of the turbulent convective diffusion …

Modelling of a two-phase vortex-ring flow using an analytical solution for the carrier phase

O Rybdylova, SS Sazhin, AN Osiptsov… - Applied Mathematics …, 2018 - Elsevier
A transient axially symmetric two-phase vortex-ring flow is investigated using the one-way
coupled, two-fluid approach. The carrier phase parameters are calculated using the …

A combined viscous-vortex, thermal-blob and Lagrangian method for non-isothermal, two-phase flow modelling

O Rybdylova, AN Osiptsov, SS Sazhin, S Begg… - International Journal of …, 2016 - Elsevier
A meshless method for modelling of 2D transient, non-isothermal, gas-droplet flows with
phase transitions, based on a combination of the viscous-vortex and thermal-blob methods …

Robust interpolation for dispersed gas‐droplet flows using statistical learning with the fully Lagrangian approach

CP Stafford, O Rybdylova - International Journal for Numerical …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
A novel methodology is presented for reconstructing the Eulerian number density field of
dispersed gas‐droplet flows modelled using the fully Lagrangian approach (FLA). In this …

Учет совместной работы железобетонного здания с грунтом основания при интенсивном сейсмическом воздействии

ОВ Мкртычев, МС Дударева - Строительство: наука и …, 2018 -
Предмет исследования: исследование направлено на преодоление таких проблем, как
учет совместной работы сооружения с основанием, а также моделирование бетонных …

A combined Lagrangian method for simulation of axisymmetric gas-particle vortex flows

NA Lebedeva, AN Osiptsov - Fluid Dynamics, 2016 - Springer
A combined fully Lagrangian approach for meshless modeling of unsteady axisymmetric
vortex flows of a gas-particle mixture with an incompressible carrier phase is developed. The …

Influence of Dispersed Particles on Structure of a Vortex Ring and Its Propagation

KN Volkov, VN Emel'yanov, IE Kapranov - Russian Aeronautics, 2024 - Springer
An approach to modelling the unsteady axisymmetric vortex flows of a gas-dispersed
mixture with an incompressible carrier phase is developed. Numerical modelling of …

Modelling of sprays: recent results and future challenges

SS Sazhin, E Shchepakina… - Journal of Physics …, 2018 -
A brief overview of some recent developments and future challenges in spray modelling is
presented. The focus is on the comparative analysis of Lagrangian and Fully Lagrangian …

Комбинированный лагранжев метод для моделирования осесимметричных вихревых газодисперсных течений

НА Лебедева, АН Осипцов - … академии наук. Механика жидкости и газа, 2016 -
Развивается комбинированный полностью лагранжев подход для бессеточного
моделирования нестационарных осесимметричных вихревых течений газодисперсной …