[PDF][PDF] Focusing on vulnerable populations in crashes: recent advances in finite element human models for injury biomechanics research

J Hu - 2012 - deepblue.lib.umich.edu
Children, small female, elderly, and obese occupants are at greater risk of death and serious
injuries in motor-vehicle crashes than the mid-size, young, male occupants. However …

The documentation of injuries caused by traffic accidents

B Hartung, A Schäuble, S Peldschus… - Deutsches …, 2024 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background Persons injured in traffic accidents may have injuries of characteristic types that
are of significance for the complex reconstruction of the accident and whose medicolegally …

Effects of driver characteristics on seat belt fit

MP Reed, SM Ebert, JJ Hallman - 2013 - sae.org
A laboratory study of posture and belt fit was conducted with 46 men and 51 women, 61% of
whom were age 60 years or older and 32% age 70 years or older. In addition, 28% of the 97 …

[PDF][PDF] A human modelling study on occupant kinematics in highly reclined seats during frontal crashes

KJ Boyle, MP Reed, LW Zaseck, J Hu - Proceedings of the International …, 2019 - ircobi.org
The objective of this study was to use the finite element (FE) Global Human Body Model
Consortium (GHBMC) simplified mi Page 1 Abstract The objective of this study was to use the …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluation of GHBMC, THUMS and SAFER human body models in frontal impacts in reclined postures

BD Gepner, D Perez-Rapela, JL Forman… - … Research Council on …, 2022 - ircobi.org
Virtual tools, such as human body models (HBMs), can support advances in vehicle
development and restraint system design. The goal of this study is to evaluate selected …

Effects of obesity on occupant responses in frontal crashes: a simulation analysis using human body models

X Shi, L Cao, MP Reed, JD Rupp… - Computer methods in …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of obesity on occupant responses in
frontal crashes using whole-body human finite element (FE) models representing occupants …

[PDF][PDF] Performance of the obese GHBMC models in the sled and belt pull test conditions

BD Gepner, H Joodaki, Z Sun, M Jayathirtha… - IRCOBI Conference …, 2018 - ircobi.org
Obesity is associated with an increased fatality risk in automobile collisions. The goal of this
study was to evaluate the predictive capabilities of the obese human body models via …

Obese occupant response in reclined and upright seated postures in frontal impacts

K Somasundaram, JR Humm, N Yoganandan… - STAPP CAR CRASH …, 2023 - sae.org
The American population is getting heavier and automated vehicles will accommodate
unconventional postures. While studies replicating mid-size and upright fore-aft seated …

Small female occupant response in reclined and upright seated postures in frontal impacts

K Somasundaram, H Hauschild… - Journal of …, 2024 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
The objective of this study was to compare the kinematics of the head-neck, torso, pelvis,
and lower extremities and document injuries and their patterns to small female occupants in …

Analysis of lap belt fit to human subjects using CT images

Y Tanaka, A Nakashima, H Feng, K Mizuno, M Yamada… - 2022 - sae.org
In vehicle collisions, the lap belt should engage the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS). In
this study, threedimensional (3D) shapes of bones and soft tissues around the pelvis were …