A survey of community search over big graphs
With the rapid development of information technologies, various big graphs are prevalent in
many real applications (eg, social media and knowledge bases). An important component of …
many real applications (eg, social media and knowledge bases). An important component of …
Influential community search in large networks
Community search is a problem of finding densely connected subgraphs that satisfy the
query conditions in a network, which has attracted much attention in recent years. However …
query conditions in a network, which has attracted much attention in recent years. However …
Persistent community search in temporal networks
Community search is a fundamental graph mining task. Unfortunately, most previous
community search studies focus mainly on identifying communities in a network without …
community search studies focus mainly on identifying communities in a network without …
Maximum co-located community search in large scale social networks
The problem of k-truss search has been well defined and investigated to find the highly
correlated user groups in social networks. But there is no previous study to consider the …
correlated user groups in social networks. But there is no previous study to consider the …
Efficiently computing k-edge connected components via graph decomposition
Efficiently computing k-edge connected components in a large graph, G=(V, E), where V is
the vertex set and E is the edge set, is a long standing research problem. It is not only …
the vertex set and E is the edge set, is a long standing research problem. It is not only …
Skyline community search in multi-valued networks
Given a scientific collaboration network, how can we find a group of collaborators with high
research indicator (eg, h-index) and diverse research interests? Given a social network, how …
research indicator (eg, h-index) and diverse research interests? Given a social network, how …
Hierarchical core maintenance on large dynamic graphs
The model of k-core and its decomposition have been applied in various areas, such as
social networks, the world wide web, and biology. A graph can be decomposed into an …
social networks, the world wide web, and biology. A graph can be decomposed into an …
Effective and efficient truss computation over large heterogeneous information networks
Recently, the topic of truss computation has gained plenty of attention, where the k-truss of a
graph is the maximum subgraph in which each edge participates in at least (k-2) triangles …
graph is the maximum subgraph in which each edge participates in at least (k-2) triangles …
Contextual community search over large social networks
Community search on attributed networks has recently attracted great deal of research
interest. However, most of existing works require query users to specify some community …
interest. However, most of existing works require query users to specify some community …
Efficient maximal balanced clique enumeration in signed networks
Clique is one of the most fundamental models for cohesive subgraph mining in network
analysis. Existing clique model mainly focuses on unsigned networks. In real world …
analysis. Existing clique model mainly focuses on unsigned networks. In real world …