[PDF][PDF] Recent Advances in Practical Data Reduction.
Over the last two decades, significant advances have been made in the design and analysis
of fixed-parameter algorithms for a wide variety of graphtheoretic problems. This has …
of fixed-parameter algorithms for a wide variety of graphtheoretic problems. This has …
Branch-and-reduce exponential/FPT algorithms in practice: A case study of vertex cover
We investigate the gap between theory and practice for exact branching algorithms. In
theory, branch-and-reduce algorithms currently have the best time complexity for numerous …
theory, branch-and-reduce algorithms currently have the best time complexity for numerous …
Finding near-optimal independent sets at scale
The independent set problem is NP-hard and particularly difficult to solve in large sparse
graphs, which typically take exponential time to solve exactly using the best-known exact …
graphs, which typically take exponential time to solve exactly using the best-known exact …
Exactly solving the maximum weight independent set problem on large real-world graphs
One powerful technique to solve NP-hard optimization problems in practice is branch-and-
reduce search—which is branch-and-bound that intermixes branching with reductions to …
reduce search—which is branch-and-bound that intermixes branching with reductions to …
WeGotYouCovered: The Winning Solver from the PACE 2019 Challenge, Vertex Cover Track∗
We present the winning solver of the Parameterized Algorithms and Computational
Experiments (PACE) 2019 Challenge, Vertex Cover Track. The minimum vertex cover …
Experiments (PACE) 2019 Challenge, Vertex Cover Track. The minimum vertex cover …
Parameterized complexity and approximability of directed odd cycle transversal
A directed odd cycle transversal of a directed graph (digraph) D is a vertex set S that
intersects every odd directed cycle of D. In the Directed Odd Cycle Transversal (DOCT) …
intersects every odd directed cycle of D. In the Directed Odd Cycle Transversal (DOCT) …
Half-integrality, LP-branching, and FPT algorithms
A recent trend in parameterized algorithms is the application of polytope tools to fixed-
parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms eg, Cygan et al., FOCS 2011, 52nd Annual Symposium …
parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms eg, Cygan et al., FOCS 2011, 52nd Annual Symposium …
Scalable kernelization for maximum independent sets
The most efficient algorithms for finding maximum independent sets in both theory and
practice use reduction rules to obtain a much smaller problem instance called a kernel. The …
practice use reduction rules to obtain a much smaller problem instance called a kernel. The …
Why is maximum clique often easy in practice?
To this day, the maximum clique problem remains a computationally challenging problem.
Indeed, despite researchers' best efforts, there exist unsolved benchmark instances with …
Indeed, despite researchers' best efforts, there exist unsolved benchmark instances with …
Data reduction for maximum matching on real-world graphs: Theory and experiments
Finding a maximum-cardinality or maximum-weight matching in (edge-weighted) undirected
graphs is among the most prominent problems of algorithmic graph theory. For n-vertex and …
graphs is among the most prominent problems of algorithmic graph theory. For n-vertex and …