Entrepreneurial orientation and performance of SMEs: the roles of marketing capabilities and social media usage
Purpose Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are an important contributor to
emerging countries' economic growth. However, SMEs have been struggling to sustain their …
emerging countries' economic growth. However, SMEs have been struggling to sustain their …
Firm performance and the impact of entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial competencies
JMA Kanaan-Jebna, TTY Alabdullah, ER Ahmed… - 2022 - essuir.sumdu.edu.ua
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are considered to be the world's largest. They
play a vital role as they create jobs and improve the living conditions of their local …
play a vital role as they create jobs and improve the living conditions of their local …
Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance in SMEs: The mediating role of entrepreneurial competencies and moderating role of environmental dynamism
Purpose Entrepreneurial orientation is among the vital factors that contribute to performance,
especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, the empirical studies …
especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, the empirical studies …
Encouraging SMEs performance through entrepreneurial intentions, competencies, and leadership: serial mediation model
Purpose The study aims to investigate the effect of entrepreneurial leadership (EL),
competencies (ECs) and intentions (EIs) on enterprise performance (EP) via entrepreneurial …
competencies (ECs) and intentions (EIs) on enterprise performance (EP) via entrepreneurial …
[PDF][PDF] The Roles of entrepreneurial skills, financial literacy, and digital literacy in maintaining MSMEs during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Contribution/Originality: This research provides an alternative strategy to maintain MSMEs'
business during pandemic. The roles of entrepreneurial skills, digital and financial literacy in …
business during pandemic. The roles of entrepreneurial skills, digital and financial literacy in …
[PDF][PDF] Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: A systematic review
TT Irawan, MNB Mansor… - European Business & …, 2023 - researchgate.net
The purpose of this study is to review a number of articles that examine the relationship
between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance, especially in small and medium …
between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance, especially in small and medium …
Investigating the development of entrepreneurial behavior among nascent digital entrepreneurs
This study aims to determine the antecedents of digital entrepreneurial behavior based on
the mediating role of self-efficacy in mediating risk propensity, digital knowledge, digital …
the mediating role of self-efficacy in mediating risk propensity, digital knowledge, digital …
Develo** student's nascent digital entrepreneurial model
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of entrepreneurial orientation
on entrepreneurial competence, the effect of entrepreneurial competence, entrepreneurship …
on entrepreneurial competence, the effect of entrepreneurial competence, entrepreneurship …
The effect of entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic capability on business performance in creative industry: Mediating role of innovativeness product advantage
Purpose: This study aims to analyze the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic
capabilities on the innovativeness product advantage, the influence of entrepreneurial …
capabilities on the innovativeness product advantage, the influence of entrepreneurial …
Do innovation and proactiveness impact the business performance of women-owned small and medium-scale enterprises in Vietnam? A study using the PLS-SEM …
NT Loan, M Brahmi - Nurture, 2023 - nurture.org.pk
Purpose: This study aims to identify and evaluate the relationship between factors and the
business performance of women-owned small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam …
business performance of women-owned small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam …