BaH molecular spectroscopy with relevance to laser cooling
We describe a simple experimental apparatus for laser ablation of barium monohydride
(BaH) molecules and the study of their rovibrational spectra relevant to direct laser cooling …
(BaH) molecules and the study of their rovibrational spectra relevant to direct laser cooling …
Monte Carlo study of Knudsen layers in evaporation from elemental and binary media
D Sibold, HM Urbassek - Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics, 1993 -
By Monte Carlo simulation the Knudsen layer in front of a surface from which atoms
evaporate is studied. Evaporation into a vacuum is simulated by means of an evaporation …
evaporate is studied. Evaporation into a vacuum is simulated by means of an evaporation …
Effect of gas‐phase collisions in pulsed‐laser desorption: A three‐dimensional Monte Carlo simulation study
D Sibold, HM Urbassek - Journal of applied physics, 1993 -
The gas flow of particles laser desorbed from an elemental target into a vacuum is studied
by Monte Carlo simulation. Pulsed desorption off a finite area is modeled; this is possible by …
by Monte Carlo simulation. Pulsed desorption off a finite area is modeled; this is possible by …
The Langmuir probe as a diagnostic of the electron component within low temperature laser ablated plasma plumes
I Weaver, GW Martin, WG Graham, T Morrow… - Review of Scientific …, 1999 -
A Langmuir probe has been used as a diagnostic of the temporally evolving electron
component within a laser ablated Cu plasma expanding into vacuum, for an incident laser …
component within a laser ablated Cu plasma expanding into vacuum, for an incident laser …
Rubidium isotope measurements in solid samples by laser ablation-laser atomic absorption spectroscopy
LA King, IB Gornushkin, D Pappas, BW Smith… - … Acta Part B: Atomic …, 1999 - Elsevier
Laser atomic absorption was used to measure the rubidium isotopes in a laser-induced
plasma. An 85Rb/87Rb isotope ratio of 2.7±0.2 was determined in solid calcium carbonate …
plasma. An 85Rb/87Rb isotope ratio of 2.7±0.2 was determined in solid calcium carbonate …
Temporal and spatial evolution of the electronic density and temperature of the plasma produced by laser ablation of
FJ Gordillo-Vázquez, A Perea, JA Chaos… - Applied Physics …, 2001 -
Emission spectroscopy is used to determine the spatial and temporal evolution of the
electronic temperature (T e) and density (N e) of the plasma generated by laser ablation in …
electronic temperature (T e) and density (N e) of the plasma generated by laser ablation in …
Absorption spectroscopy of uranium plasma for remote isotope analysis of next-generation nuclear fuel
M Miyabe, M Oba, H Iimura, K Akaoka, Y Maruyama… - Applied Physics A, 2013 - Springer
To determine experimental conditions suitable for isotope analysis, we studied the plume
dynamics of uranium. A uranium oxide sample was ablated by 2nd harmonic radiation from …
dynamics of uranium. A uranium oxide sample was ablated by 2nd harmonic radiation from …
Spatial diagnostics of the laser induced lithium fluoride plasma
We present spatial characteristics of the lithium fluoride plasma generated by the
fundamental and second harmonic of a Nd: YAG laser. The plume emission has been …
fundamental and second harmonic of a Nd: YAG laser. The plume emission has been …
Laser ablation absorption spectroscopy for remote analysis of uranium
M Miyabe, M Oba, H Iimura, K Akaoka, Y Maruyama… - Hyperfine …, 2013 - Springer
To determine experimental conditions suitable for isotope analysis, we studied the plume
dynamics of uranium. A uranium oxide sample was ablated by 2nd harmonic radiation from …
dynamics of uranium. A uranium oxide sample was ablated by 2nd harmonic radiation from …
Doppler-shifted optical absorption characterization of plume-lateral expansion in laser ablation of a cerium target
M Miyabe, M Oba, H Iimura, K Akaoka… - Journal of Applied …, 2012 -
The temporal evolution of the ablation plume of cerium was investigated by absorption
spectroscopy. Cerium oxide pellets were ablated in a helium atmosphere by second …
spectroscopy. Cerium oxide pellets were ablated in a helium atmosphere by second …