[CARTE][B] Informatica umanistica: Risorse e strumenti per lo studio del lessico dei beni culturali

V Zotti, A Pano Alaman - 2017 - library.oapen.org
From a perspective of great scientific and didactic relevance, the volume is part of today's
theoretical-methodological reflections on humanistic computer science and digital …

L'edizione digitale di fonti storiche: nuove opportunità, nuovi problemi, nuove figure

E Salvatori - Edito, inedito, riedito, 2017 - torrossa.com
The essay briefly examines the opportunities and the problems that the critical digital edition
of historical sources presents, as well as its wider implications in the Humanities. The …

L'edizione critica tra digitale e stampa: riflessioni metodologiche

F Michelone - Umanistica Digitale, 2021 - umanisticadigitale.unibo.it
This contribution explores the world of digital critical editions by proposing reflections on the
methodology that can be used for their production. The first part analyses the positions of …

[PDF][PDF] Using ontologies as a faceted browsing for heterogeneous cultural heritage collections

F Ciotti, F Tomasi, M Daquino, M Lana - CEUR Workshop …, 2015 - art.torvergata.it
In this paper we present a project regarding the possible use of multiple and interconnected
OWL ontologies (GO!, HiCo, and Proles) in order to explore the semantic content of …

Ontological approaches to information description and extraction in the cultural heritage domain

M Daquino, F Tomasi - Proceedings of the Third AIUCD Annual …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
In this paper, we describe an approach to information description and extraction from full-text
marked-up documents through ontological support. We introduce two ontologies developed …

OntoBelliniLetters: A formal ontology for a corpus of letters of Vincenzo Bellini

S Cristofaro, D Spampinato - Research Conference on Metadata and …, 2020 - Springer
In this paper the formal OntoBelliniLetters ontology is described concerning the corpus of
Vincenzo Bellini's correspondence letters kept at the Belliniano Civic Museum of Catania …

Verso un'edizione digitale dell'Editto di Rotari

M Buzzoni, R Rosselli Del Turco - I Longobardi in Italia. Lingua e …, 2015 - iris.unito.it
" Questo volume raccoglie le Lezioni e le Comunicazioni presentate durante il XV Seminario
Avanzato in Filologia Germanica, tenutosi a Torino dall'8 al 12 settembre 2014, dal titolo “I …

Modellare ontologicamente il dominio archivistico in una prospettiva di integrazione disciplinare

F Tomasi, M Daquino - JLIS. it, 2015 - cris.unibo.it
In this paper the authors reflect on some topics related to the semantic modeling of cultural
heritage description. In particular we move from some ontologies as developed in-and for …

Digital editions as a new model of conceptual authority data

F Tomasi - JLIS: Italian Journal of Library, Archives and …, 2013 - torrossa.com
La progressiva estensione degli àmbiti di intervento computazionale agli oggetti del
patrimonio culturale ha determinato un'attenzione maggiore al documento inteso come dato …

Epistolario De Gasperi: National Edition of De Gasperi's Letters in Digital Format

S Malfatti, S Tonelli, R Sprugnoli, G Moretti, M Odorizzi - AMS ACTA, 2020 - iris.unitn.it
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698!"#! $499608% &6 8 4 4 6'6 8 6 094 0 6 (0 4) 50 4 4 38 4 0 4 43 9583 6 0 6 690 0 6* 89 8 …