[HTML][HTML] 地基 GNSS 大气水汽探测遥感研究进展和展望
张克非, **浩博, 王晓明, 朱丹彤, 何琦敏, **龙江… - 2022 - xb.chinasmp.com
大气水汽是表征极端天气事件和气候变化的重要参数, 准确监测与分析水汽含量对于精准预测各
类灾害性天气事件与研究气候变化具有显著意义. 作为新兴的大气水汽探测方法, GNSS …
类灾害性天气事件与研究气候变化具有显著意义. 作为新兴的大气水汽探测方法, GNSS …
Real-time GNSS-derived PWV for typhoon characterizations: A case study for super typhoon Mangkhut in Hong Kong
Typhoons can be serious natural disasters for the sustainability and development of society.
The development of a typhoon usually involves a pre-existing weather disturbance, warm …
The development of a typhoon usually involves a pre-existing weather disturbance, warm …
A new cumulative anomaly-based model for the detection of heavy precipitation using GNSS-derived tropospheric products
In recent years, tropospheric products obtained from ground-based global navigation
satellite system (GNSS) measurements, especially the zenith total delay (ZTD) and …
satellite system (GNSS) measurements, especially the zenith total delay (ZTD) and …
Investigating the inter-relationships among multiple atmospheric variables and their responses to precipitation
In this study, a comprehensive investigation into the inter-relationships among twelve
atmospheric variables and their responses to precipitation was conducted. These variables …
atmospheric variables and their responses to precipitation was conducted. These variables …
A neural network-based approach for the detection of heavy precipitation using GNSS observations and surface meteorological data
Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in using GNSS observations to detect
heavy precipitation. In this study, a neural network-based (NN-based) approach taking …
heavy precipitation. In this study, a neural network-based (NN-based) approach taking …
[PDF][PDF] Binary classification of rainfall time-series using machine learning algorithms.
Summer monsoon rainfall contributes more than 75% of the annual rainfall in India. For the
state of Maharashtra, India, this is more than 80% for almost all regions of the state. The high …
state of Maharashtra, India, this is more than 80% for almost all regions of the state. The high …
[PDF][PDF] On the performance analysis of rainfall prediction using mutual information with artificial neural network
Monsoon rainfall prediction over a small geographic region is indeed a challenging task.
This paper uses monthly means of climate variables, namely air temperature (AT), sea …
This paper uses monthly means of climate variables, namely air temperature (AT), sea …
Surface and high-altitude combined rainfall forecasting using convolutional neural network
P Zhang, W Cao, W Li - Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2021 - Springer
Rainfall forecasting can guide human production and life. However, the existing methods
usually have a poor prediction accuracy in short-term rainfall forecasting. Machine learning …
usually have a poor prediction accuracy in short-term rainfall forecasting. Machine learning …
Granular-based multilayer spatiotemporal network with control gates for energy prediction of steel industry
Spatiotemporal analysis has drawn a lot of attentions recently on industrial time series
prediction. Most of the existing methods cannot consider the production semantics or …
prediction. Most of the existing methods cannot consider the production semantics or …
A new method for determining an optimal diurnal threshold of GNSS precipitable water vapor for precipitation forecasting
Nowadays, precipitable water vapor (PWV) retrieved from ground-based Global Navigation
Satellite Systems (GNSS) tracking stations has heralded a new era of GNSS meteorological …
Satellite Systems (GNSS) tracking stations has heralded a new era of GNSS meteorological …