[HTML][HTML] Aquatic environmental DNA: A review of the macro-organismal biomonitoring revolution
Environmental DNA (eDNA) is the fastest growing biomonitoring tool fuelled by two key
features: time efficiency and sensitivity. Technological advancements allow rapid …
features: time efficiency and sensitivity. Technological advancements allow rapid …
Environmental DNA metabarcoding: A novel method for biodiversity monitoring of marine fish communities
M Miya - Annual Review of Marine Science, 2022 - annualreviews.org
Environmental DNA (eDNA) is genetic material that has been shed from macroorganisms. It
has received increased attention as an indirect marker for biodiversity monitoring. This …
has received increased attention as an indirect marker for biodiversity monitoring. This …
MiFish metabarcoding: a high-throughput approach for simultaneous detection of multiple fish species from environmental DNA and other samples
We reviewed the current methodology and practices of the DNA metabarcoding approach
using a universal PCR primer pair MiFish, which co-amplifies a short fragment of fish DNA …
using a universal PCR primer pair MiFish, which co-amplifies a short fragment of fish DNA …
Meta‐analysis shows that environmental DNA outperforms traditional surveys, but warrants better reporting standards
J Fediajevaite, V Priestley, R Arnold… - Ecology and …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Decades of environmental DNA (eDNA) method application, spanning a wide variety of taxa
and habitats, has advanced our understanding of eDNA and underlined its value as a tool …
and habitats, has advanced our understanding of eDNA and underlined its value as a tool …
[HTML][HTML] Applications of environmental DNA (eDNA) to detect subterranean and aquatic invasive species: A critical review on the challenges and limitations of eDNA …
The world is struggling to solve a devastating biodiversity loss that not only affects the
extinction of treasured species and irreplaceable genetic variation, but also jeopardizes the …
extinction of treasured species and irreplaceable genetic variation, but also jeopardizes the …
Methodology of fish eDNA and its applications in ecology and environment
S Wang, Z Yan, B Hänfling, X Zheng, P Wang… - Science of the Total …, 2021 - Elsevier
Fish environmental DNA (eDNA) studies have made substantial progress during the past
decade, and significant advances in monitoring fishes have been gained by taking …
decade, and significant advances in monitoring fishes have been gained by taking …
Quantifying biodiversity using eDNA from water bodies: General principles and recommendations for sampling designs
Reliable and comparable estimates of biodiversity are the foundation for understanding
ecological systems and informing policy and decision‐making, especially in an era of …
ecological systems and informing policy and decision‐making, especially in an era of …
Short‐term temporal variation of coastal marine eDNA
Temporal variation in eDNA signals is increasingly explored for understanding community
ecology in aquatic habitats. Seasonal changes have been addressed using eDNA sampling …
ecology in aquatic habitats. Seasonal changes have been addressed using eDNA sampling …
Current status and topical issues on the use of eDNA-based targeted detection of rare animal species
Animal detection through DNA present in environmental samples (eDNA) is a valuable tool
for detecting rare species, that are difficult to observe and monitor. eDNA-based tools are …
for detecting rare species, that are difficult to observe and monitor. eDNA-based tools are …
[HTML][HTML] Methodology for fish biodiversity monitoring with environmental DNA metabarcoding: The primers, databases and bioinformatic pipelines
Environmental DNA (eDNA) originates from cellular material shed by organisms into aquatic
or terrestrial environments and can be sampled and monitored using metabarcoding …
or terrestrial environments and can be sampled and monitored using metabarcoding …