Flexible multiband OFDM ultra-wideband services based on optical frequency combs
J He, F Long, R Deng, J Shi, M Dai… - Journal of Optical …, 2017 - opg.optica.org
In the paper, a flexible multiband orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) ultra-
wideband service based on optical frequency combs is proposed and experimentally …
wideband service based on optical frequency combs is proposed and experimentally …
Polarization Division Multiplexing of OFDM Radio‐over‐Fiber Signals in Passive Optical Networks
This paper describes the state‐of‐the‐art of polarization multiplexing for optical networks
transmission. The use of polarization division multiplexing (PDM) permits to multiply the user …
transmission. The use of polarization division multiplexing (PDM) permits to multiply the user …
High granularity multiband OFDM virtual carrier-assisted direct-detection metro networks
TMF Alves, LMM Mendes… - Journal of Lightwave …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A direct-detection metropolitan (metro) network employing multiband orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) signals (MORFEUS network) is proposed. The MORFEUS …
division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) signals (MORFEUS network) is proposed. The MORFEUS …
Radio-over-fibre technologies arising from the building the future optical network in Europe (BONE) project
This study describes a wide range of salient radio-over-fibre system issues. Impulse radio
and multi-band ultra-wideband signal distribution over both single-mode fibre and multi …
and multi-band ultra-wideband signal distribution over both single-mode fibre and multi …
Transmission impairment compensation using broadband channel sounding in multi-format OFDM-based long-reach PONs
Transmission impairment compensation using broadband channel sounding in multi-format
OFDM-based long-reach PONs Page 1 Transmission Impairment Compensation Using …
OFDM-based long-reach PONs Page 1 Transmission Impairment Compensation Using …
Non-optical carrier SSB-OFDM PONs with the improved receiver sensitivity and potential transmission nonlinearity tolerance
Receiver sensitivity can be improved by optical heterodyne reception. For our investigations,
we implement a passive optical network (PON) to demonstrate the heterodyne reception …
we implement a passive optical network (PON) to demonstrate the heterodyne reception …
Transmission of OFDM wired-wireless quintuple-play services along WDM LR-PONs using centralized broadband impairment compensation
The simultaneous transmission of four orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)-
based signals used to provide quintuple-play services along wavelength division …
based signals used to provide quintuple-play services along wavelength division …
Semi-analytical approach for performance evaluation of direct-detection OFDM optical communication systems
A semi-analytical method to evaluate the bit error ratio (BER) in direct-detection (DD) optical
fibre transmission systems employing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) …
fibre transmission systems employing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) …
Joint distribution of polarization-multiplexed UWB and WiMAX radio in PON
In this paper, the feasibility of the joint distribution of ultra-wideband (UWB) and WIMAX
wireless using polarization multiplexing as a coexistence technique is proposed and …
wireless using polarization multiplexing as a coexistence technique is proposed and …
Extension of the exhaustive Gaussian approach for BER estimation in experimental direct‐detection OFDM setups
An extension of the exhaustive Gaussian approach to estimate the bit error ratio from a set of
experimental runs in direct‐detection orthogonal frequency division multiplexing optical …
experimental runs in direct‐detection orthogonal frequency division multiplexing optical …