The drivers of e-learning satisfaction during the early COVID-19 pandemic: Empirical evidence from an Indonesian private university
The end of the COVID-19 pandemic that directly impacts students' learning cannot be
predicted with certainty. Previously dominated by face-to-face learning methods, student …
predicted with certainty. Previously dominated by face-to-face learning methods, student …
Sentiment analysis on online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic based on opinions on twitter using KNN Method
Coronavirus Disease of 2019 began in Wuhan in December 2019 and it was declared as a
global pandemic by WHO. Until January 2021, it affected all of human activities on earth ie …
global pandemic by WHO. Until January 2021, it affected all of human activities on earth ie …
Named data networking: A survey on routing strategies
As the Internet grows in popularity, data become an increasingly crucial component. People
now care more about the data than the data location. Named data network (NDN) takes this …
now care more about the data than the data location. Named data network (NDN) takes this …
[PDF][PDF] Empirical evaluation of educational service quality in the current higher education system
LA Rozak, M Bahri Arifin, IN Rykova… - Emerging Science …, 2022 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
During the transition to the mixed education model during the Covid-19 pandemic, some
issues have emerged in the matter of providing and supporting the quality of university …
issues have emerged in the matter of providing and supporting the quality of university …
[PDF][PDF] AI-Driven Learning Management Systems: Modern Developments, Challenges and Future Trends during the Age of ChatGPT.
ABSTRACT COVID-19 pandemic restrictions limited all social activities to curtail the spread
of the virus. The foremost and most prime sector among those affected were schools …
of the virus. The foremost and most prime sector among those affected were schools …
[PDF][PDF] Recommendation system in education: A review
This paper presents a review on the research trends and methods used in recommendation
systems for the education domain over the last five years (2017–2022). The sources of …
systems for the education domain over the last five years (2017–2022). The sources of …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the educational-instructional process of the students from technical faculties
Even though we live in a period when the word digitization is prevalent in many social areas,
the COVID-19 pandemic has divided mankind into two main categories: some people have …
the COVID-19 pandemic has divided mankind into two main categories: some people have …
The Impact of Technology Readiness on Undergraduate Students' Acceptance of Learning Management System
I Maryani, YM Puspitasari - Journal of Education …, 2024 - ejournal.undiksha.ac.id
The problem raised in this research is that there are no studies that measure the influence of
technology readiness on student acceptance of the Learning Management System. This …
technology readiness on student acceptance of the Learning Management System. This …
An Innovative Strategy to Anticipate Students' Cheating: The Development of Automatic Essay Assessment on the “MoLearn” Learning Management System
A quick and effective learning assessment is needed to evaluate the learning process. Many
tools currently offer automatic assessment for subjective and objective questions; however …
tools currently offer automatic assessment for subjective and objective questions; however …
[PDF][PDF] The influence of online learning on students' academic achievement: Mediated by collaborative learning
Universities oblige to develop students' academic achievement and to prepare for the
industrial revolution 4.0. This study aims at determining the effect of online learning on …
industrial revolution 4.0. This study aims at determining the effect of online learning on …